New day /E/

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Uhhh I wake up and get in the shower immediately. I use my dove soap I bought and shampoo my hair.

My black hair comes down to the half of my back and takes for ever to dry.

I get out the shower and just put it in a pony tail.

I go to my closet and get out my blue jean booty shorts and a baby blue tank top that say's Can you not.

I put my makeup on and do a double check to make sure it's perfect.

I go down stairs and get an apple I'm not really that hungry.

"Hey Tay you look Good" Mark and James both say.

James hugs me but Mark picks me up and spins me around. These two are the most craziest goofballs I've ever met but I gotta love them.

They both congratulate me on my performance yesterday.

Mark whispers in my ear "You looked hot by the way." I would look hot in anything if that would get me to sleep with him.

I guess my brother heard and he threw him across the room and broke the tea table.


"Dillion you just broke moms favorite tea table." Boys never think before they do something.

"Yes Dillion my favorite table and you will pay for it." All of our eyes look at the front door to see mom looking at us very pissed off.

"Hey Mom why you looked pissed what's wrong with you?" Dillion walks up to her and takes the bags out of her hands.

"Dillion Gregory Davis that was my wedding gift from your grandmother and you will call her and tell her the news." That is so much torture. Grandma will start crying about how grandpa gave it to her when they first met. Although we all know that's not true. He was given the table by his ex- girlfriend so he gave it to grandma not knowing they were mates.

I grab my apple and sit at the bar.

"Hey Taylor you look good." Daniel smirks at me again. Oh he looks good and he doesn't have a shirt on.

I look away from him.

'Maybe he is sorry he rejected us'

"Sure I do go ask Gabby your new girl of the week" Walking out the front door I hear a scream.



"Why are you here?"

"To hang out, my house has no cute boys but yours has a lot!" She looks over my shoulder, but when I look there is no one.

Mark comes out side and laughs at us, "As usual you two hanging out well I came to invite you two to the party I am having tomorrow it's a karaoke party dresses only!" Well I'm wearing shorts.

"We have to go Taylor please pretty please" Emily begs.

"Okay we will Emily" In your dreams.

"We need new clothes let's go" Its just one night.

On the way there I explain to Emily, Daniel being all possessive and she gets excited and comes up with a plan.

"Okay we are going to go to all my favorite stores and buy you less innocent clothes for this party and school year with this credit card I stole out of Dillon's room, to make Daniel regret rejecting you." Like that will ever work, but if she's buying that's okay with me. Well in this case Dillion.

"Wait why were you in his room Em?" There is nothing except. Oh my freaking chicken nuggets.

"Oh looking for stuff you know." Like I'll ever believe that.

Rejected by my mate.Where stories live. Discover now