Baby Drama

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The party last night was horrible. I barely got to see my kids. They were passed around like a trophy. Emily was really lucky she got to hold her child. At least our children will be best friends hopefully.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard my child scream. This is not good when one cries another wakes up and cries. I jumped out of the bed and Daniel fell off the bed. Now that is to funny but sadky I cant stay to see hus face. I ran down the hall to the babies room and opened the door. I turned the light on and I saw it was Brittany crying. I picked her up and cradled her in my arms. I saw Emily's daughter stirring in her crib. Yeah are kids share a room. I gave Brittany a teddy bear. But she threw it. The bear hit Jake and he woke up and cried. I heard a laugh and I saw Daniel laughing at me. Once he saw I was looking at him he stopped. My face must be prttey scary. Daniel came over and played with Brittany and I picked up Jake. I looked at Daniel and saw Brittany was asleep. I gawked at him. He was always able to get her to sleep but for some reason I couldn't get her to. Great my child hated me or she is a big time daddies girl. I think i perfer option two daddies girl. How would a mother live if her child hates her.

I sat down in the rocking chair and rocked Jake back to sleep. He was going to be a mommies boy. can tell, I always wondered what it was like tko be a mom and know I am a mother. I cant wait to see my kids grow up and be protective of thier sisters. Knowing Daniel he's going to tell them to warn the boys to stay away from thier princess and have the talk with them. I finally get my happey ending with ny kids. I have a feeling that Jake is going to be a temper head. Oh how I pray for his mate. He might also turn out like his dad or worse. Im going to have to help hismate tame Jake. Jake might perfer to be called Blaze.

Once he fell asleep I left the room.

I walked down to the kitchen and looked at the clock. It reads 12:45. It was really early in the morning to be up. I grabbed a box of cereal and milk and sat down. I was tired and grumpy. Giving birth really does tire a person out. Everyone always thinks our mothers are joking when they say that. Who knkew thwy were right. I was eating the cereal till I heard a knock on the door. What kind of person is knocking on someones door at 12 in the morning. I know I wouldnt I would be cuddeled up in the sheets.

I grabbed the bat and walked slowly to the door. I stopped and thought about what I was doing. Where in the world did I get a bat from? This is like one of them horror movie seens. The girl all alone everyone else is asleep. She walks to the door and opens it. There she is killed at the door left to bleed to death.

Wait, what the heck am I thinking about my slef getting murdered.

'I don't know but the person at the door is still knocking.' My wolf said.

'Well they can just wait forever I don't fell like answering the door.'

'Just answer the door before I make you.'

'Fine.' I walked to the door and opened it. Their standing I front of me was some weird looking lady with a scarf tied around her head and looks like gypsy clothes. This women must be crazy or something.

"Hi can I help you." I said slowly I don't know if she understands me. Should I speak slower?

"When your oldest turns the mating age your past will come back for him. He will need his mate to help him defeat your enemy. A girl will show up at your door tomorrow. She is from your enemy that is know dead. But your enemy has friends that will come for your eldest child. This child that shall show up at your door will help to train your son to defeat your enemy. You have met your mates son and so has he. Her father is an Alpha and is a close friend to your mate. Prepare your son for the fight of his life and his family's." She stated.

I stood their shocked. Is this lady serious. This seriosly can not be happening to me. She then grabbed me by my arms looking scared.

"Honey prepare your son for it whoever you killed has someone that wants revenge for his death. You better train your son now. Do not doubt me for I am a prophet. I am not supposed to tell you this but I will because I respect your family. Your son and his mate will bare a child during a mistake. Make sure that your son does not think it is someone else's child." She let me go and walked away. Frozen their on the door step. Standing their for about five minuites. I cant belive what i just heard. This must be a dream. I pinched myself over and over agian. This can't be happening.

I closed the door and stood their could she be right. My child is in danger and it's all my fault. Is it something that I did. I love my family would could be wrong? I finaly moved on from all the drama and know I have to deal with this. This is not the ending I wanted. I wanted to be sleeping in bed. Forget all the crap I went threw. Noe I have to worry about my future. This is to much for me to handle. How am I supposed to tell Daniel? He might blame his self for this. How am I suppose to tell our families. Why does it seem like all the bad stuff happens in our family. Jake's poor mate. She will have to go threw this. I know she will have to be strong willed and minded.

This prophacy wasted my dreams. All I wanted was a happy family. We were ment to be a nice happy family but thier goes my happy ending right down the drain. Can I ever get a break from the drama?



Lauren Sierra Gilbert



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