Cheer competition /E

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"Come on Taylor wake up!" Someone shakes me.

"No go away let me sleep please." Can't people just leave me alone?

"Taylor Davis get your butt out of bed." Someone wants to get slapped today.

I glanced at the clock. Oh crap no.

"Why didn't you wake me up were gonna be late." Gosh people are so helpful.

~~~~~~~~~ 30 minutes later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

We made it in record time for curling my hair and putting my uniform on in fifteen minutes. Our uniform is black and yellow our skirts come mid thigh and our tops sleeves come to our elbows our team is the hornets.

"Come on," Emily yelled "we have to check in." Like I don't know that.

Emily is pretty has brown long hair and a slim figure she's energetic and my co captain.

She's also Daniel's sister and they act nothing alike. I swear he was adopted or something. His whole family is so sweet and he's the devil.

"Okay!" I have to forget the guy that broke my heart but I don't need him. I can handle it I don't need him.

I walked in side and my team ran up to me and started gushing saying, "The whole football team is here to support us." Just what I need.

"WHAT!" No no this can't be happening. Does the moon goddess want to torture me.

"Captain are you okay your turning red?" One of my back spots hand me water.

"Yeah I'm fine." I need to calm myself down.

Then I heard it a group of my squad "Oh my gosh Daniel is here he looks so hot." That's it.

I rushed them to our practice room and started yelling commands. I know I shouldn't work them hard but they need to focus and not flirt with my mate, wait, I mean my, I mean Daniel.

"Ten backflips, six round offs, nine front flips, splits a minute four arials!" they looked shock at my harsh commands. "NOW!"

Fifteen minutes later were on the cheer floor.

Were in a huddle "Okay guys lets do this break."

After everyone has went all the teams go on the mat and we listen " Third place The Tigers, second place , the Trojans , first place The hornets! OMG we won I go up and get the trophy I'm so proud of my self and I didn't look at Daniel one time. We go to the dressing rooms. "Congratulations guys you did great!" Me and Emily walk out to go to the car after group pictures. I have to carry the trophy to the school since Coach sent us by our selves for who knows what reason. Although I think she had a date, she claimed its a emergency.

Walking around the corner I freeze when I see one of my squad members making out with Daniel.


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