chapter 7

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Genes POV

                    Kieran and i were drunk. No that was an understatement we were wasted. I gave up on trying to remain sober and just let the night take over. Right now i feel freeeee! Ughh it seems like everywhere i look some guy is staring at usss...creeps. Hey i want some crepes...Wait is that Louis  

"Heyo Louise what are wo doing here?" I asked in a drunken manner.

" Hello beautiful! Wheres your boyfriend?" He replied in a chirpy voice

" Dat douche bag sheeted on him" said Kieran even more slurred and confused than me.

"Oh PJ cheated on you?" Louis said after a minute of deciphering what Kieran meant. "Now that was a stupid move!" said Louis.

"Yeah it was..." Came a voice from behind Louis.

                   Zayn then appeared beside Louis as if from no where. I gasped when i saw him. I seemed at that moment to sober up slightly and quickly tried to cover up my bare legs with my arms. This effort failed as i saw him smirk and whisper something into Louis ear. Louis even in the dark atmosphere seemed to turn red with anger but he quickly recovered. Then I attempted to walk towards the dance floor as "Talk Dirty To Me" came on by Jasn Derulo but i began to stumble and wobble. Zayn was by my side within seconds and whispered in my ear " I think its time for my little Genie to go home." He then picked me up bridal style and headed towards the exit of the club. There i saw Kieran in Louis arms snoring lightly. When did they get there? Eh i dont care i just know that my skin is crawling like ants with Zayns hands touching my bare legs!

                   The next thing i know i awake in a graffiti walled room. The bed was a dark shade of green with light green pillows. The next thing i noticed was a door. Now im sure this sounds crazy but i saw myself on the door. There were multiple pictures and sketches and drawings of who im assuming was me?  I quickly sat up on the bed to get a better look at them but lay back down due to the terrible pain in my head. I then rolled over and saw on the night stand was a picture of Zayn with a beautiful blonde. I then assumed that she was his girlfriend but then looked closer and saw a dazzling ring on her finger. For some reason that got the water works up and running again. I dont know why but i felt like all of my hopes and dreams were being washed away as each tear slid down my face. I then out of anger slammed the  picture down and thats when i realized that i wasnt alone in the bed.

                   Zayn rolled over and wrapped his arms around me murmuring about me in his sleep. I froze automatically afraid of what i might have done with him during my binge last night. Then i quickly pushed all second guessing away as i watched him wrinkle his nose ever so slightly. I then began thinking back to the day we first met and how quiet he was. Then as soon as i began it clicked in my head. Zayn hadn't answered any of my questions except about his love life... I wonder if the girl in the picture had broken his heart? Had she cheated? Was he forever broken? And as the questions began flooding in also came in the question as to did i have feelings for him? Well of course i did i mean he was so, so mysterious yet easy to read like a book. I hadnt realized that i had been staring at him the entire time until he said "Why are you up so early?" And before i could respond the door, my door, burst open and in came Louis followed by Kieran, Kendra, Ana and all of the fellas. Zayn sat up quickly but i just remained in my spot having learned from my previous endeavour that it wasn't a great idea to sit up quickly.

                    Louis was looked pissed at the sight of the two of us and for a minute i  didn't know why. Until i once again realized i wasn't in bed alone and this probably looked really bad. Kieran was the first to act as she ran over to me saying " Im so sorry i didn't mean for you to get drunk i just wanted you to have fun for once ! im so sorry!" "Its ok" i said. "As you can see im safe and sound." i replied in a hoarse voice. Next everyone began talking the fellas began ranting about the tabloids saw you with her and what are we gonna tell Simon and Paul? But the question that stood out was did you screw her? That sent us all into hush mode which was a blessing because i was getting my ear chewed off by Kendra about making better decisions in life and how this could effect my carreer and blah blah blah. Anyways Zayn and i shot each other side glances as we both began blushing like mad men. "Well, did you or did you not?"  said Louis who was clearly still pissed. "No we didn't" i said with my eyes on my hands they had suddenly become fascinating.

                   Then things seemed to get more uncomfortable as i realized that i had on who i was guessing was Zayns girlfriends or fiances ... Whoever the hell she was i had on a females shirts. Liam seemed to sense my tension as he explained" Thats one of Perries old shirts...she never took her stuff and don't worry Kieran undressed you." I then asked a question that only made things more confusing "Who is Perrie?" and without a second thought all of the fellas looked at Zayn questioningly but Harry who was standing quite close to Ana said " Nobody.?" Now of course i didn't buy that crap but i didn't feel like arguing. So i just said "I wanna go home now " looking at Kendra who i trusted the most at the moment. Ana had some explaining to do. So i got out of the  bed and as all of the fellas moved out the way for me to leave i turned around and said " Hey Zayn If  you want can you come over later today so that i can complete" He glanced at me before looking at his hands and replied" Yeah sure the sooner we can get this done the  better."  "Um ok hows 2:30?" i asked but didn't give him a chance to answer as i ran down the stairs and into the living room. The tears were flowing heavily as  i grabbed my heels and ran out to the car never looking back.

                    For some reason him wanting to get things done and over with made me feel like he didn't care for me like i had to him.I watched slowly as the fellas home began to slip out of sight and for the first time since PJ and i had broken up i really felt heartbroken. And something in the back of my mind said " You feel this way because you're in love". Yeah yeah i thought as my eyes began to shut as i leaned against the window sliping into a quiet slumber.

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