Someone Has A Crush

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Miley P.O.V

Ashley and I were returning from Smiling Pizza and it was around 11 already. Time flies when you're having fun. Well that, and we passed by Starbucks. "Alright well I need to leave before my mom starts to worry. I'll come by tomorrow to prevent you from further embarrassment." She said as she tried to stifle a laugh, but failed.

I just flicked her off before she pulled me into a hug. "You know I'm kidding" she said before pulling away and throwing up a peace sign.

I waved as she pulled her silver prius out of my driveway. I turned around and unlocked the front door. As I stepped in all I could hear were snores coming from upstairs. I guess the boys are sleeping.

I went upstairs to my room and changed into one of Ryan's t-shirts because it fit loosely just the way I like my pyjamas. I also put on my black draw string capris and threw my hair up tinto a messy bun.

I made my way downstairs to retrieve my book 'The Fault in Our Stars' by John Green. I grabbed crackers and a bottle of water and sat down on the couch. I began reading and I was so caught up in my book that I didn't realize someone was watching me.

He cleared his throat causing me to look up. "Hi." I said as my eyes made their way back to the words on the pages in front of me. I began eating another cracker. "Want one?" I offered.

"No thanks." Chaz said as he sat down next to me. Chaz was like a brother to me, and Justin was gone for too long so I couldn't really have a relationship like that with him.

"Why are you reading at midnight. You're such a geek." he said as he nudged me with his elbow.

"Shouldn't you be sleeping?" I asked, finally looking up at him. He shook his head and rolled his eyes.

"Don't you hear it?! How am I supposed to sleep when Ryan sounds like a damn lawnmower?!" Chaz nearly shouted. I chuckled and continued my book. "Soo.." Chaz started.

I rose my eyebrow at him and looked at him weirdly. "So..?" I questioned.

"I saw you getting all blushy when you were talking to Justin." Chaz said. I rolled my eyes and covered my face so he wouldn't see my blush. How could I blush over someone who I haven't seen in over 3 years. "Someone has a crush. Someone has a crush." He chanted. I groaned and pushed him away.

"Whatever." I said as I put my bookmark in my book and stood up. "Goodnight." I said as I left my book on the coffee table and  put my snacks away.

"I'm sleeping down here" Chaz said. I nodded, grabbed another water bottle, and made my way upstairs. I started twisting the cap around as I was walking to my room and I bumped into someone.

I looked up to meet his hazel eyes. I quickly cleared my throat and looked away to hide my blush. What the hell is wrong with me?! I mumbled a quick "Sorry." and began to walk away but he grasped my hand. I swear I felt thouasands of tiny creatures fluttering their wings inside of my stomach.

I turned to look at him and he looked down at our hands and quickly let go. He looked like he wanted to say something but I guess he changed his mind. "No it was my fault. Sorry." He said. I could've melted right then and there but I had to control myself.

"Okay." I said and nearly jogged to my room.. But I didn't because then I'd look stupid.

What a night. I thought as I enntagled my legs in my blanket.


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