Drama chaos and grade 7

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Now at the end of grade 6 I'm sure me and my friends could all see it coming. People were changing, physical and mentally. Not gonna name any names but one of those people changing mentally were one of my best friends' ex-best friend. It's kinda hard to explain but I'll probably get around to that somewhere in here. Anyways at my school once you graduate grade 6 you have to go to a new school that has 7 and 8 at it because our school only went to grade 6. We heard stories of how at that school everyone changes and that it's all drama but we never paid much attention to that. That's as good and bad. The good part was that it was right to just spend as much time having fun in grade 6 and the bad part was that I shouldn't have paid more attention to it. Looking back now I think I should've been warned way more. I remember hearing rumors about my old best friend and thinking "well I know her and that would never happen" but I was wrong and it was true all along. Now let's get to the story shall we.


Hey new readers! Just so you knooow, I don't hate Payton and Tessa in any way. You'll learn more about why I'm saying this when you read more, but I'm just saying I don't. It might seem like I do but noooo not at all. I just sometimes get frustrated with the things they do. Ok well anyways thankkkkkkss🗿 :)

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