Chapter 4 The Family Trip

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I picked up the quilt and pulled it tighter around me. I felt a tug on the quilt, at the foot. I pusher it aside and tried to go back to sleep. The quilt was rugged again. My eye snapped open, and there was a hard pull on the quilt, and it was pulled off the bed. I looked at the clock on the bedside table. It read o' two hundred hours. I sat up to see Niall at the edge of my bed.

"What the hell mate?! Its two in the morning! What do you want?!"

"Shh! Everyone us still asleep."

"Well, that's cause its two, ya dipshit!" I yelled.

"Well, get up, you need to see this. " he said with a laugh.


I watched as they grabbed the cereal box, and dumped the contents into a big sand which bag. They grabbed a big sack of cat little and poured it into the cereal box.

"What are you guys planning to do with the kitty litter?" I ask.

"Just follow me." Niall said with a snicker. I followed him down the corridor and watched as he turned red from trying not to laugh. I chuckled as he fell, walking straight into a table against the wall.

"Uh. " There was a pause. "Ou!" He stated as he stood up.

"You okay?" I said while laughing.

"Yeah, now come on " we made our way to Liam's door. "Just play along."

he whispered as he pushed the door open. I watched as he walked over to Liam's dresser and grabbed trousers and a white and black sweater. I hear Liam mumble something and roll over onto his stomach, as Niall closed the dresser drawer. He mumbled again. It sounded like my name. But I probably heard wrong. I watched as Niall looks at me and whispers.

"When I yell, flip on the light." I nodded I nodded as he bundled the cloths up under his for arm and leans forward. I hear him mumble 'shit' as he turns to the clock. He changes the time and set and alarm to go off. He leans over Liam again. and a huge smile spreads across his face. He grabs Liam's shoulders and violently shakes him, whilst yelling,

"Liam! Wake up!" as he shouts this, the alarm clock begins to blare. Liam shot forward.

"What?! Niall, what?!" he yells breathless. He looks at me, then back to niall. "What the bloddy hell, is so important you had to wake me up in the middle of the -" he stopped.

"Yeah! You're late! Remember the "family" trip, " He put quotations around family. "We always take? Well, everyone is packed and ready to go, and you'd better hurry!" and with that, Liam was up and running. Niall threw him the cloths, and Liam started to put them on. Within seconds, he was done except for his trousers. He was stumbling down the corridor, hopping on one foot, trying to pull his trousers over his other. We got to the stairs and he tripped over his pant leg, and began to tumble down the staircase. He let out a grunt, followed by whimpers, and an occasional growl. Once he hit the bottom of the stairs he let out a loud groan. Niall was in tears, as he tried to hold in a laugh. Liam stood up, is eyes a dark brown almost black. They soon changed back to the golden-brown, after he pulled his trousers up, fully. he growled at Niall, whom of which was red in the face, from the lack of oxygen. I chuckled lightly, and made my way down the stairs, and turned towards the kitchen.

"Do I have time to eat?" He said breathlessly, to the ebony skinned boy, Zayn. Zayn nodded, and Niall, Mitchell. and another boy crowded around the island. They took the bars tools, and lined them on the far end. Siting down, they looked at him again.

Liam grabbed the box of cereal out of the cabinet. He poured the litter cereal I to a bowl, paying no mind to the off smell. He grabbed the milk pouring it into the bowl, with the contains already settled. He pulled a bar stood up and shove a spoon into his bowl. he pulled a spoonful and shoved uy into his mouth. Mitchell gaged, and the group started chuckling.

"What?" he says, still oblivious as to what he was eating. He looks down, to get another spoonful, and realized what he was eating. He drops his spoon. He sits still for, like, two minutes before kicking his still backward. He growled, and threw the bowl of milky kitty litter, at the guys. Whom of which were literally tolling around on the floor laughing. I chuckled lightly as he stomped off to Gerard's office. He made a quick u-turn and ran into the kitchen again. He grabbed my arm, and drug me down the corridor. In a sprint, we made our way down to his room. He slung me into his room, and slammed the door.

"What time is it?" He said in the calmest voice I've heard him use.

"True, or what the tampered clock reads?" I said with a chuckle. He rolled his eyes and looked back to me, with a what-do-you-think look spread across his face. "Okay! Okay!" I say while laughing. "Its around two-thirty. "

"Why, did they wake me up- " He cut his sentence short. He laughed at what was said, and opened the door, running out. I followed him out. and within seconds he was launching himself at Niall.

"What the hell, you twat!?" he yelled mid-laugh. Liam died laughing as he fell off of Niall.

"Ahhh! I see we have a but of Niam action, aye?" Mitchell said with a laugh. Liam glared at her.

"Niam?" I asked completely confused. She looked at me, and giggled.

"Niam, is Niall and Liam's names combined. Its a thing teen girls do."

"Ahh." I said still kinda confused, but sort of understanding. "Wait? You're a teenager?" I said. My eyes wide, at how much she looked like an adult.

"Yup! I'm sixteen. I'll be seventeen in two weeks. What about you?'

"I'm eighteen, I'll be nineteen in two weeks." I chuckled. "February, first. " I said Her eyes lit up. "I'm guessing that's your birthday too. " she giggled, and began jumping up and down. Her brown hair, hitting my nose, and going inti my mouth. She didn't notice, as she had turned around and began to run to Zayn.


"What?" Zayn says mid-laugh.

"So, turns out! Harry has the same birthday as me!"

"He is older than you. So you have the same as him. And I know. "

"Wait! how did you know?" I said.

"I'm half dog. I can hear you, over here. "He chuckled. I took a deep breath as I glanced at the floor, then back up at him with a smirk.

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