Chapter 1 The Attack

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I grabbed the handlebar on the cart, as I pushed through the isles. I grabbed a book off the shelf, and under my breath as I put it in the science-fiction pile. Some idiot decided he was going to put, as they put it "nerd fiction", with the sex-ed books. Subsequently hinting that the said "nerd" needed to get laid. I can't stand people who think they can just rearrange my books just to give sublimital hints to me. Annoys the shit out of me.

I grab the books, putting them in their correct places, as I pass the shelves. Once I have all the books in the cart away, I push it against the far wall, and make my way to the front desk. I sit down in the rolling chair to the left. of my computer. I push the chair over a bit. and lean down to grab my bag from underneath the desk. I dig for my phone. Once I think I've got a grip on it, I yank it out, and my bad falls. Spilling its contents all over the floor.

"Drop something mate?" a husky voice states.

"Ah, well. You seem to be skilled at stating the obvious, huh?" I replied, soon realizing how rude I sounded. I loomed up to see a tall boy with brownish blonde hair.

"You look like you need help. " he grinned, "Oops, sorry. " he bet down and began outside of my desk, and walked around, grabbing everything I couldn't.

"Are these your writings?" he asked.

"Yes. Why?" I replied trying to take them from him.

"Just wondering." he handed me the papers, and writing utensils, before standing up. I nodded slowly before sitting up, and shoving my stuff in my bag.

"What's your name anyways?" I ask. Since he wants to be virtuous, and pick my things up, I should know his name.

"It's Liam."

"Ahh. I see."

"And yours?"

"It's Harry."

"Ahh, Harry. Does your last name happen to be Styles?"

"Uh, why?"

"Just answer the question." He demended, his voice becoming deep, and almost demonic.

"Y-Yes. This my last name." o said whole jumping back. and almost flipping out of the rolling chair. He stared into my eyes, as if he was searching for something. Something I wasn't sure I could give him.

"Come with me." he snached me up by the wrist and drug me towards the back of the library. He pulled me out of the back door of the building. Which coincidentally lead to a small patch of woods. He yanked my arm, with excessive force nd pulled me farther into the crowed area of trees.

"What are doing?! Where are you taking me?!x I yelled. As I did he threw me against a tree, and I hit the ground. I lyed still for a bit, from the shear shock of the hit. I lifted myself up. I looked up at Liam. He was kneeled down above me, with a smirk on his face.

"Let's see what you've got. If you even know how." he growled. He stood up. Smoke flowing from his skin in the chilled air. I blinked and in his place was a great-dane-sized wolf. He smiled a toothy, and with lack of a better adjective, wolfy grin. I stood up. Time to use that "special talent".

I grabbed my clothing pulling every single piece I had off, and threw it to the side. I felt my skin boil. It began yo tickle as the little prices of fur started to show themselves. I growled as my body began to take the wolf shape. I've only done this a few times, so its, painful.

My flesh began to too, as my bones broke, and reformed themselves. I fell to my knees, and felt my hand change and sink into the mud below me. I looked down to see the unpleasing, dirty claws I've hated about dogs.

I growled as Liam, who I'd completely forgotten about through the pain, stepped forward at me. His wolf eyes, big, and full of what I presumed as, hatred.

Why do you hate me? I thought.

You know I can hear your thoughts.

No. I didn't. I've been alone since I was 8, with this ya know.

I stepped forward as he moved to the left. He watched my every move as I did his. We moved in circles for a moment waiting for each other to make the firstove.

Well fuck. He thought, as he growled, and before I knew it he was charging at me. I took a step backward, as he jumped to attack me. His paw hit my nose before he bit down on my leg. I whimpered, as he lifted my led pulling before letting go. I fell to the groups, with a hard think. I stood back up, my bitten leg lifted. He let out a deep growl.

We've got a tough pup don't we?

Why are you attacking me? I did nothing to you!

Orders are orders, pup.

Stop calling me pup, you ass!

He growled deeply, and jumped at me. He landed on me and I smaller me jaw up at his face. He jumped back, away from the bite and clamped down on my shoulder.

He got up, still holding onto my shoulder, and slung my body away from him. He snarled as he made his way back to me. I jumped up, now even realizing how much pain I was in, until I growled.

I knew you wouldn't last long. He chuckled in the thought. You will die today, if its the last thing I do. He growled and launched at me again.

I fell to the ground.

I hit hard.

I looked up to see, Liam standing over me. I watched as he took his human form again. He was panting as he stared down at me.

I saw his hand come down towards me, and then it went dark.

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