Chapter 3 I Have A Dad

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"Uh, yeah.. What of it?" She said, as she pushed stray strands of her brown hair, behind her ear.

"I didn't know a girl could.. You know.." I moved my hands to try and hint, what I meant. She laughed,

"Oh, you poor, port soul. You don't know your history, do you?" She giggled. "My mother was the first. She got with another wolf, and nine months later. Voila! I was born." She smiled. "Now, come. Gerard wants to see you." I grumble at I sit up. She giggles, again. God how I hate that.

I love when girls giggle, don't get me wrong, but not when I'm first meeting them. Makes them seem easy.

I slowly get up, and sling my legs over the side of the mattress. I inspect the cloths, and notice after a minute, (I'm dumb. Shut up.) that they aren't mine. I stand up, and make my waytl the door, where the girl stood.

"What's your name, anyways?" I asked, as we, slowly made our way down the corridor.

"Its Mitchell. Mitchell Longs worth. " She said with a smile. She kept her eyes on the ground as we walked. She had a nice vibe radiating off of her.

I smiled a bit looking at the bandage on my shoulder, then back to the wall in front of us. That wall, as we got closer, became a huge brown door. Mitchell pushed the door open, hand guided me in. I looked up to see a man. He had the same auborn coloured curly hair as me. Same nose, mouth, eyes shape. Everything. The only different was he had blue yes.

"Harry.." He said, in a hushed tone.

"Uh, yeah?" I said slowly. He stared at me with an unreadable expression.

"Oh, my god.." he said, as he walked around the desk, in front of him, to me. He looked at me. From my arms, to my legs. Then he inspected my face. As he stared, the tall, pale man behind him coughed.

"Oh. I'm sorry Louis. " the man turned around and walked back to the desk. "About the treaty. Do you think we can really do this?"

"Well, Gerard, since you lost your heir, and we want the clans to be allies- " he was cut off, as Liam stated,

"No! His son has been found!" Gerard snapped his neck to look at Liam. "Sir Tomlinson. Gerard's son was found. In fact, he is actually standing in the room."

"What?!" I yelled.

"Harry. Calm down." Gerard yelled. His voice deep and demanding. "Liam! Stop! Now! Please, excort Louis, from the grounds, before conflict breaks out. "


I mumbled, with a grunt as I lead Louis out of the building.

"I thought I sent you on a mission. " Louis hissed.

"I'm sorry, sir. I couldn't do it. "

"Well. why the bloody hell not?! " he exclaimed.

"I don't know sir." I whispered. He grabbed the coller of my shirt, and pulled me down to him.

"The next time you fail I swear, I'll take my teeth and rip your neck apart. " I refrained from growling, and blinked as his fangs began to show. His eyes changed from blue to a golden-green colour as he hissed. I closed my eyes and held back from changing. I knew Gerard needed him more than I wanted to kill him.


"I want you to do something for me." Louis said as we left the building.

"What is it, before I agree?"

"I've found a clue as to where your clan leaders son is. And I want you to find. and kill him. "

"Why exactly should I do this for you?" I say boldly.

"Because I'm going to try and make a deal with Gerard, and you'll be involved. I want our clans to become allies, and that way we'll have trust. I will have my daughter come in and "pick" the guy she wants to be with." he looks my in the eyes, and winks, "and that boy will be the next in line for Chef of the clan.

A smiled spread across my face. "Win-win." I mumbled "I'm in." I say with a big grin.

"Ahh. See, we've become friends already." He yells.


I watched as Louis quickly disappeared IP the mountain side. I really regret even taking on that deal. Harry looked so.. helpless. And lost when I tried to finish him off. I just couldn't do it.

When I was carrying him, I bent down to grad his bag, and cloths, and he was just...


His limp body was in my arms, and I just couldn't see him die. I couldn't.


"Wha- How do you know my name? " I said, as Gerard turned to his left and grabbing the arm of his chair to sit.

"Well, Liam hasn't stopped talking about you since he brought you back." He hasn't stopped talking about me? He hates me..

"Back? I've never been here before."

"Yes, you have. When you were a baby " he states.


"Yes. I mean if you haven't noticed by now. I'm your dad."

"I mean I look like you, yeah. But how are you my dad? I look just like my mother and I grew up with her."

"You know where Anne is?!" he said as he sat straight up in his seat.

"No.. She died. When I was twelve." I said in a mumble. Gerard slumped back down in her seat.

"Oh. " he said.

"I didn't mean to upset you. I just."

"Don't be sorry. It happened."

"Why do you even care?" I say, quickly apologizing, "Sorry, if that sounded rude."

"Well, Anne was my wife. But she got pregnant about 18 some odd years ago. And left because she didn't want our child living like this."

"Gerard..?" I said waiting for him to answer.


"What is your last name?"

"Styles... why?"

I stared at him. "Dad..?"

"Yes! Yes Harry! I'm your dad!" he says, as a smile spreads across his face.

"Mom told me my dad died." I said stepping closer to him. "I have a dad." I walked forward more. Gerard stood up. He walked around his desk. and was trying not to cry. "I have a dad." I said yo myself as he engulfed me in a hug.

I have a dad..

I thought. I hugged him back paying no mind to the pain in my shoulder.

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