Thing's have Changed (a Draco and Ginny love story)

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The war was behind everyone, yet the destruction lingered like a dark cloud over everyone. People had been lost, so many lives had been changed, and Ginny was no exception. The death of Fred meant that life at home had completely changed, the usual happy, full house was still full, but any sound made seemed to echo around the house, making it seem as if it were empty, Ginny had been keeping to herself. She had seen so many friends die in the war, and some she had began to regard as family.

  She sat at her desk looking out of her window, watching as Ron and Harry were locked in a game of Quidditch, Ginny sighed to herself and stood up, walking over to her trunk she began to pack, There was no need to visit Diagon alley this year, not only were most of the shops closed, but She already had everything, with six brothers books were no issue to get hold of.

  she got so wrapped up in packing that when an owl began to peck on her window, she jumped violently before walking over to let the owl in. It hopped onto her desk and stuck out it's leg, she took the letter, The owl hooted and then flew off into the sky,

  Hogwarts was to begin in two weeks, and Ginny would be going alone this year, The previous year were allowed to return since there was not much learning done, however Harry, Ron and Hermione would not be doing so.

Ginny turned the envelope over and upon seeing the Hogwarts crest, tore open the envelope, she picked out the letter and read.

'Miss Weasley,

i am pleased to inform  you that you have made head girl this year, if you would go to the Prefect's compartment on the Hogwarts express, There you will learn your duties, you have also gained Gryffindor captain, congratulations, you shall find both badges inside the envelope.


Minerva McGonagall

Head mistress of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizadry'

Ginny stared at the paper for a minute, before looking back at the envelope where a small badge with the clear letters of HG were visible, she picked it up and slowly walked to the door, she wondered down into the kitchen, where she found her mum cooking lunch

'Mum' She said slowly

'Yes Ginny?' Mrs Weasley said swishing her wand at a pot of potato's which soured into a bowl.

'I just got a letter from Hogwarts' she said

'Well, like i said, we can't afford to get you a knew set of books, you will  have to make do with what you have' she said with another swish of her wand

'it isn't that mum, i got quidditch captain' she paused 'and head girl' She said showing Mrs Weasley the little red badge

'But Ginny, this is wonderful, we must celebrate' Mrs Weasley said happily 'And we must get you a well done gift'

'no' Ginny said rather quickly

'No?' Mrs Weasley questioned

'I don't want anything mum, really' she insisted, Mrs Weasley walked over to her and embraced her

'Well done, Ginny' she said letting her go

'Well done for what?' Ron asked walking into the Kitchen from the garden

'Ginny got Head Girl' Mrs Weasley replied 

'Nice one, Gin' he said walking over to her and patting her back, Ginny smiled slightly. She would have preferred a quieter year, last year was rather hectic, what with causing mayhem at every turn, she still had a scar on her arm from one of the curses she was hit with, those evil Carrows, but this year would be different, Hogwarts had been mended as best it could, and Death eaters were being rounded up in to askaban, some even awaiting the dementor's kiss

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