No we aren't!!!

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'Ginny, get up, get up now' Hermione said shaking Ginny, Ginny just groaned and rolled over 'Your mother says breakfast is ready, come on, Ginny. The Hogwarts express leaves in three hours'

'I'm awake' She mumbled into her pillow,

'Come on' Hermione said hitting Ginny with a pillow

'Five more minutes' Ginny said groggily

'I fell for that once before, but not again' Hermione pushed Ginny out of bed, Ginny fell onto the floor and sat up

'Hermione!' she moaned

'You wouldn't have gotten up unless i did that' Ginny rolled her eyes and stood up putting her Weasley jumper over her pyjamas, she walked downstairs.

'Hello Ginny dear' Her mother said smiling

'Hi mum' Ginny said through a yawn

'Breakfast is on the table, then you'll need to get changed, your father will take you when he goes to work' Mrs Weasley said, Mr Weasley looked over the top of the daily profit.

'That is if you don't mind hanging around in the Ministry for an hour or so' He said

'No, no thats fine' she said sitting down and picking at a sausage.

'Are you alright dear, you've hardly touched your breakfast' Mrs Weasley said after a moment

'i'm fine, i'm just slightly nervous to be going back' She said

'Well that is expected, well if you don't want it now, i can pack you some for on the train' Mrs Weasley said standing up and walking over to the stove

'that would be great, thanks' She replied standing up and going over to the stairs

'Be back down in half an hour' Mrs Weasley called, Ginny nodded and continued up the stairs until she got to Georges room, she knocked on the door, a minute passed when she heard footsteps come to the door, it opened a little

'Please let me in' Ginny said to him, he looked behind him and then back at her

'w-why?' he asked

'Because i'm going in half an hour and may not see you in nine months' She said, George opened the door some more, Ginny slipped in. Half of the room looked untouched, Fred's half looked exactly as it did when he had left it. Ginny walked over and sat on Georges bed, not wanting to disturb Fred's.

'I'll miss you' She said to him, he sat next to her and gently pulled her into a hug, leaning his head on her shoulder, he breathed in deep.

'This time, you send me the toilet seat' He said, Ginny giggled

'I remember that' she said George pulled away a small smile on his face

'i'll miss you too you know' he said

'i'll write, and i expect an answer' she said

'Of course, i wouldn't expect anything else from my little sister' He said 'Well done on getting head girl' he said

'Don't' Ginny moaned 'I'm quidditch captain too, can you imagine the pressure i'm going to be under, taking my N.E.W.T's aswell'

'you'll be great Ginny, i mean you're most like me, and i'm awesome' he said, Ginny nodded

'Yeah you are, we are' George grinned

'You'd better go, but i expect to here that you've made some sort of mayhem' He said giving her a small shove she grinned

'For you, i would throw filch into the lake' She said

'not a bad idea' He agreed, Ginny stood up smiling at her brother

Thing's have Changed (a Draco and Ginny love story)Where stories live. Discover now