A fresh start... mostly

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'Ginny Weasley' He said in greeting

'B-but you're a slytherin' Ginny stuttered

'I may be a slytherin, but i'm still head boy' He replied.

'but-' she began

'just because i'm a slytherin doesn't make me evil' He said

'i suppose' Ginny gave in going to sit next to him and wait for the Prefects to arrive. She crossed her arms, still not happy with the choice of head boy.

'do you want to start again?' he asked her

'start again?' she questioned

'yes, you know, start over, introduce ourselves and not look back at old times' He replied looking at her inquisitively.

'well, i- alright' she gave in, too tired to think otherwise

'hello, i'm Blaise Zambini, pleased to meet you' He said holding his hand out to shake hers

'Ginny Weasley, pleasure' she shook his hand trying to hide the smile that crept onto her face

'made you smile' He said poking her side just as the door opened and an all to familiar blond haired boy, and the all to familiar gray eyes, that some how seemed less cold than usual.

 'Blaise, i need your help' he said ignoring Ginnys presence completely

'what is it?' Blaise asked Draco

'Pansy came back, and she won't leave me alone, she keeps going on about last year, it's doing my nut in' He said then he looked over at Ginny, he sneered at her

'Malfoy' She said dismissively as a couple of prefects walked into the compartment

'Man, just go sit somewhere else then, why not go away from the usual compartment?' Blaise said to him rolling his eyes

'Why would i do that, It's pretty much my compartment, she should move' He replied like a child who wasn't getting his way. Ginny sighed.

'Shut it weasel' Malfoy snapped at her

'oh shove of, Malfoy' She replied

'Cool it you two, just leave the past in the past right?' 

'with you maybe, but he's messed around with my family too much' Ginny growled

'and had fun doing it' Draco replied firmly, Ginny rose an eyebrow as Malfoy smirked

'listen you two' Blaise said sharply. Ginny and Draco looked shocked at him ' I know you to arn't as friendly to one another as you could be but could you at least try to tolerate each other?'

'Why do i need to tolerate that blood-traitor' Malfoy demanded

'Still with the blood-traitor, what the hell Malfoy? Ginny said standing up her fists clenched

'Kind of used to saying it, i'll rephrase that, Why do i need to tolerate that weasel bitch' He spat

'You should just leave, Ferret' Ginny said pushing him towards the door

'She-she just pushed me' He said in a slightly higher voice to Blaise

'You two need to tolerate each other, Draco. Because she is head girl and we will be spending time together, and if you want to still hang around me, you need to get used to the fact that Ginny may be there too'

Draco screwed up his face in distaste.

'You called her G-Gi, i can't even'

'Oh stop being a child' Ginny said to him impatiently and then said rather indignantly 'Draco'

'don't call me that' He said grimacing

'call you what? Draco?' she asked him

'I Said dont' He replied his voice rasing in volume

'you sound like a little girl' Ginny said to him smirking

'you watch your tongue weasel, i'm not going to put up with that'

'what are you going to do? try and poison me, or perhaps hand me a cursed necklace?' Ginny knew she had taken it to far,

'well at least i can afford them' he growled back

'I'd rather have a loving family and friends than have money and fake ones' She said raising her eyebrows at him

'think you're so tough, don't you because your head girl, but you'll always be pathetic weasel who craves after Harry Potter' he spat

'I do not crave after Harry bloody Potter' she spat back

'Changed your tune haven't you, i remember that valentines card you sent him, everyone found that rather hilarious' he said

'I was eleven, Harry Potter means as little to me now as you mean to me' 

'oh really?' he asked her sounding rather pleased

'really' she replied

'and, err why exactly has the Harry, The Boy who lived, The chosen one, The vanquisher of the dark lord Potter done to change your heart?' he asked smirking

'He's almost as pompous as you' she retorted 'His vanity has increased to much that i'm surprised his big head can fit anywhere'

'wahey, now you're talking Draco language' He said, as a flash of something came into his eye but left rather quickly

'I'd rather not speak troll' she replied

'nice, but good to hear about potter, although i should mean more to you than him, i am better looking after all'

'Don't make me throw up, you're just as bad as him' Ginny replied 'Almost'

'almost?' Draco asked

'Yeah, at least  you don't ask me out after ignoring me for weeks and then threaten me when i say no'  Draco snorted out laughing

'he threatened you when you said no?' he asked chuckling


'and rest assured weasel, i'd never ask you out'

'thank Merlin, or i may jump off of the gryffindor tower' she retorted

'i may ask you, just for that result' He said

'Oh shove it Malfoy'

'oh go back to your hole weasel' Draco snapped

'Oh Draco' Ginny said in an abnormally high voice

'don't you dare' he growled

'Draco' she said

'shut up' he wined

'Draco, you need to leave, i'll talk to you later' Blaise said as Ginny realised all the Prefects had arrived and were watching the exchange intently.

Draco frowned and marched out of the compartment leaving Blaise and Ginny with the prefects

'Don't push him, he'll get into a strop' Blaise mumbled to Ginny

'But that's the most fun i've had in over a year' She replied to him, he shook his head and grinned turning to the prefects.

Thing's have Changed (a Draco and Ginny love story)Where stories live. Discover now