Chapter 5

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A/N—OHHH that was a cliff-hanger ;) (not really) I have all of my stories on my laptop, and some of them on paper, so I have been transferring them regularly into my laptop to here, so they will take a while, sorry :(


            I wake up to birds chirping outside around the trees in our front yard. The different pitches and lengths of the singing make me feel at ease, and very calm. I sit in my bed savoring the serenity. The pungent smell of Bacon and eggs makes my nose tingle. I hear Alex open his bedroom door and walk down the hall to the kitchen, where my mum greets him and they start talking. They turn on the Television to the local news station. By now, the bacon and egg smell is making me go crazy. So, I rise from my bed, and walk down to the kitchen.

            “It smells great Mom, thank you so much” I tell her. We hardly ever get a nice breakfast like this.

            “Oh your welcome. How was your sleep?” she asks.

            “It was good, but there was a really disturbing scream that came from town in the middle of the night,” I mutter under my yawning.

            “Yeah it woke me up too,” Alex joins in, “it sounded like someone was getting hurt or something” and that’s exactly what I was thinking.

            “Huh, that’s quite odd,” My mom likes helping people, so when she hears about someone possibly getting hurt, or actually being hurt, then she wants to help. That’s the reason why she wanted to become a doctor, “I hope no one got hurt.”

            “I hope so too.” I a cold shiver runs down my body as I remember Madison’s scream.

            My mom starts to dish out the bacon and eggs, and she asks Alex if he can go and wake up my dad. We all sit down around the dining room table, and start eating. That’s when the television starts to flash a “BREAKING NEWS” sign. All of us glance up at the bold lettering, and then continue eating. The word “Murder” catches my attention. I look up, and my mouth drops open. I can’t believe this. How can this be?

            My eyes are locked on the screen as a reporter tells the viewers that what they are about to see is graphic. They show a girl in a dark alleyway, lying on the ground. She has a large red stain on her chest, and she is staring up into the sky with an emotionless face. The girl’s hazel eyes are empty. Her face is pale.

            It’s Madison.


OHHHHH that was a cliffhanger?? Yes? Or not...mabye ;) anywho, hope your enjoying it so far! Please Vote, Comment, and Fan! Thanks guys :)

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