Chapter 2

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A/N—As it turns out, according to my friends, my chapter’s aren’t too short. Huh. And also, my friend is listening to me type everything. She is laughing at me because I am telling Her how I started the story—in mexico in my room because I was bored. (But its mexico, I know what you’re thinking) and she called it “snazzy”. <--My classy friend for you.


            It is night. Puramite seems like a horrible place when it’s dark. I am moving down a street, but I cannot feel myself walking. I look down and expect to find my tanned feet and legs, but find only air and the stone that lines the ground to make up Center Street. I am puzzled by the fact that I have no legs. I look to my right. No right arm. I also look to my left. No left arm. This is weird I think to myself. I walk past a glass window, and expect to see my face--Dark brown hair with hints of blonde, round nose, defined jaw bone,  with sympathetic-looking Sea Blue eyes and a small scar on the right cheekbone—But I don’t see any of that. I just see into the store and no reflection. Now I am worried.

            So, I’m floating. No big deal, just think about everything else and it will be fine. I try to reassure myself, but I don’t think its working.

            I am still floating down Center Street, when I see someone stumble out of the bar on the corner of one of the blocks. I don’t pay much attention to the person, so I just float by. They don’t say anything or acknowledge me in any way. I pass the black silhouette and continue on into the darkness of the streets.

            But that was short lived when I hear the blood-curdling scream.

            I stop, and I turn around in an instant. I look around and try to find who made the noise. It happens again, and this time longer, like the person is in pain. I start to follow the screams and I wind up at the entrance to one of the back alleys in the town. No one has come to help, and I don’t get why. The scream was loud enough that anyone in the town would have been able to hear it.

            That’s when I realized that this is all a dream.

            That would explain why I couldn’t see my arms or legs or face. It would also explain why the person that I passed didn’t pay any attention to me. But it feels so real.

            I can’t wake up now. I can’t. I have to help the person.

            I start down the alley, not knowing what to expect. I just keep moving down. Further and further. Until I reach a woman who is lying on the ground, with a red stain on her clothes. It looks like she has been stabbed in the stomach. I look at her face, and I stop.

            I am dreaming. I am dreaming. I am dreaming I keep telling myself. This isn’t real. She isn’t really dead. It’s just a dream.

            The person on the ground is one of my friends from school. Her name is Madison. She was graduating this year, and she had just turned 18, which would explain why she was at the bar. She was just celebrating becoming an adult, and this is what happens to her. Her perfect features stare up at the sky, into nothingness. Her once tanned face that always had a smile on it, with big hazel eyes that anyone can love, now have an empty, emotionless appearance.

            Wake up. Wake up. Wake up.

            I sit up in my bed screaming because the nightmare frightened me so much. I have cold sweat drenching my body, and My heart is racing a thousand time a minute. I look around my bland room for something to comfort me. But my monotone boring room offers no comfort, so I just wrap myself up in my soft blankets and try to think of happy things.

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