Chapter 4:

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A/N -

ok so this is when Nathan and the boys finally comes into it! Let me know what you think! :)

Chapter 4:

“Holy shit” I shouted as I dropped my bag at the door of the hotel room. “ITS MASSIVE” Crissy squealed. “BEGS THE BED BY THE WINDOW” I shouted running to the bed and diving across it. “How long do we have” I mumbled into the bed sheets. “an hour and a half” Crissy yelled from the bathroom. Time to start getting ready

Half an hour later, we were ready to go an hour early. I was now wearing a grey and black skater skirt with a black Hashtagz top with purple vans. I had all of my TW bracelets on my arms. My make-up was done so that I had a fairly thick line of black eye liner surrounding my eyes, black mascara and a pink glossy lip-gloss. My brown hair was curled and fell to around my mid back. “cmooooonnnnn I wanna go hunt for the boys” I whined to Crissy who was taking forever and a day to finish her make-up. “hunt?! Its not deer were looking for here Mel, its five boys”she said trying to put on a sophisticated tone “well if your being that picky technically its men not boys…” “yah yah cmon lets just go”

I grabbed my key card so that we could get back into the room and put it in my bra.. what? Im wearing a skirt there is no where else for it! If you think about it a bra is actually a very handy thing for more then its purpose.

We headed down the hall and I decided to play Demons, it is one of my favourite songs. I left Word Of Mouth play on shuffle. Crissy was shouting out the lyrics to Heartbreak Story as we rounded the corner to the stairs. “This isn’t working” I sighed as we walked down a flight of stairs. We came to a landing between two flights of stairs. “wanna just sit here for a bit and take a break? Im getting tired” Crissy whined at me. “ya sure” I said to her, better to please her than to end up listening to her moaning for the next half an hour.

I kept playing the songs on my phone and decided to change from The Wanted for a bit. “How about a bit of Macklemore?” I asked. “YEEHHHSSS” Crissy replied. I turned on And We Danced by Macklemore and we started singing along to it like idiots. Then I hopped up and starting dancing around, Crissy just laughed at me for a minute and then got up with me. We just danced around, singing along. “AND WE DANCED, AND WE CRIED AND HAD A REALLY REALLY REALLY GOOD TIME” We were so busy dancing around that we totally forgot we were on the landing between two flights of stairs in a fancy hotel. We just kept dancing and singing until the song ended. When it did we just stopped and looked at each other. We burst out laughing. Then I realised there was more than just two laughs. I spun around and standing on the balcony looking down over us was two men. I didn’t have my glasses on, which I need for long distance, so I couldn’t quite make them out. It wasn’t until the first one spoke and I heard that Bolton accent that I knew who it was. “FANTASTIC! That’s the most entertainment iv got in a long time, thanks girls!” He said between laughs. “Brilliant” the other added. That was the point I nearly collapsed. I knew that voice. That Gloucester accent. I just looked at Crissy and she simply nodded, her mouth hanging open.

“Well are you gunna come up 'ere and say 'ello or just stand there with your mouth open?” Nathan said in a cheeky tone. “I .. uh…yah..” Crissy mumbled as she grabbed me and dragged me up the flight of stairs. “Well ‘ello there” He said as we reached the top. “h h h hi” I fumbled over my words with the sheer excitement. “awhh would ya look shes nervous” Tom said, rather loudly. Hmmm I guess he doesn’t just seem loud in interviews, he really is. “How much of that did you see?” Crissy asked, looking down rather embarrassed. “Well, after this one here” Tom gestured to me “did a little pirouette, we saw it from there on” Oh god, that was ages ago. They saw almost the whole thing!

“Well, I’ll assume by the look on your face that we don’t need to introduce ourselves? But what are your names” “Im Mel and that’s Crissy” I said, finally finding the courage to speak. “What pretty names for such pretty girls” Tom said with a wink. We both giggled. I looked up and Nathan as he started to speak, finding the courage to look him in the eye. “So, are you girls coming to th…hang on” Nathan said as he looked me straight in the eyes. “ I know you!” he almost yelled. “really?” I asked, slightly shcoked. “yah, last year! In Cork! Your were front row right?” “yah!” I couldn’t believe this, he actually remembere me! Someone pinch me. “I cant believe you actually remember me” I giggled. “honestly, it was your eyes.” He said making me blush. He just stood their smiling, looking at me. “ok so are we gunna do something or are you just gunna stare at her all day Nath?” Tom said while trying not to laugh,but failing. Nathan just looked away and I could have sworn I saw a little blush creeping onto his cheeks. “right, how about we go to our room and get some food?” Tom suggested. “Really?” Crissy asked excitedly. “Yah sure why not” Tom said to her. Nathan mumbled in agreement. “right lets go, oh, I like the top by the way” Tom said to me, smiling smugly as it was one of his Hashtagz tops. Tom and Nathan lead the way, back in the direction of where me and Crissy had come from earlier. Crissy grabbed my arm and held me back a few steps behind the two boys. “what was that?” she said to me at a whisper with a huge smug grin on her face. “What was what?” I ask, slightly confused. “ With you and Nathan, the giggling, blushing and just staring at each other?!” she whisper shouted the last part. “oh, that… I dunno” I said. “but I kinda liked it” I added with a giggle. We followed on behind the two boys.

A Dream Turned Into Reality (A Nathan Sykes & The Wanted fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now