Snowball Fight (Tim Drake x Reader x Damian Wayne)

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Requested by: honeyjungwoo

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Small frozen flurries drift down from the cotton sky and land gracefully onto your jacket. A gentle wind rushes by and caresses your cheek like a kiss. The perfectly trimmed lawns and gardens of the Wayne Estate are covered in a thick sheet of white. All is peaceful.

Winter is your favorite season. You love to watch the sunlight hit the icicles and reflect the colors of the rainbow. You cherish how silent the world grows when the snow begins to fall. You especially love all the things you can do in the a good snowball fight.

"Try this one on for size!" a boy's voice shouts as a frozen ball of ice clips the side of your head. You laugh and duck behind a nearby tree for shelter. You carefully peek out from behind the trunk and spot your boyfriend, Tim Drake, stealthily moving across the courtyard.

"That was a lucky shot! It won't happen again!" you taunt while brushing the snow from your beanie.

"Challenge accepted!" he returns, grabbing another wad of snow and packing it tightly in his hands. While he's distracted, you cross the open lawn and dart behind the hedge wall. 

Tim glimpses the back of you as you enter the maze "Oh, I see how it is," he declares. Tim hunches his shoulders, keeping low to the ground as he crosses the lawn and follows you into the maze of shrubbery.  As you stealthily navigate the twists, you reach down to scoop up a wad of snow. 

"The League of Assassins taught me to never underestimate my enemy's strength, but rather seek out their weaknesses," you assert, attempting to draw him closer. "It's too bad I am your weakness."

You wonder how Tim loves you knowing you were an assassin and that you have such a petulant younger brother. When your mother, Talia Al Ghul, was experimenting with Bruce's DNA and working to create a son, you were a failed attempt. Talia was going to dispose of you, but Ra's observed your potential and trained you as one of his guards. When Bruce discovered the existence of both his children, he placed you and Damian under his care. That's when you met your intelligent, thoughtful, and very secret boyfriend, Tim.  You won't tell Damian unless you want Tim to die a slow, painful death.

"Who says you're my weakness?" he asks. You hear his footsteps growing closer, so you pack your snowball heavier. You wait eagerly behind the wall for him to follow your voice. 

"Don't don't love me?" you tease. His boots crunch the snow only feet behind you. 

"Of course I do. I know exactly what you're doing, (Y/N). You're trying to lure me into a blind corner to catch me by surprise. It won't work, you know. Bruce trained me to prepare for that- HEY!"

 You push the mound of snow in his face and dash towards the manor. You glance behind you and see he's right on your tail. Just as you reach the lawn he tackles you onto the padded ground. He pins your arms above your head and presses your body down, but you could easily escape. His ocean-blue eyes stare at you with such sincere joy, that it's too wonderful to spoil. He leans in closer until his soft lips meet yours, warming your entire being.



Damian rests in a leather recliner reading his newest novel by the fire with Ace the "Bat-Hound" snoozing beneath his feet. Unlike his sister, he despises the snow. It soaks his clothing and puts him in a foul mood. It reminds him of all the training sessions spent with his mother in the Alps that were meant to test his endurance. 

Suddenly he hears cheerful voices coming from outside. He recognizes (Y/N)'s feminine voice anywhere, but then he hears another familiar tone; Tim.

Curious as to why they would be outside in such harsh weather, Damian looks out the window and watches them. Fury erupts in his emerald green eyes as he sees their embrace and he races downstairs.


Damian shoves Tim off of you and tackles him onto the ground. You scramble to your feet and pull on your brother's shirt. 

"Damian, stop!" you plead, but he ignores you and proceeds to punch Tim in the nose. 


"Get off me!" Tim growls, throwing Damian into the snow and pinning him down. Damian twists his body and manages to secure Tim in a headlock.

You scurry onto the terrace and barrel through the double doors. "DAD!!!" you scream into the hallway. In half a second, Bruce rushes outside and grabs Damian by the collar of his shirt, lifting him into the air. You stroke Tim's cheeks as he gasps for breath.

"What the hell is going on this time?!" Bruce grumbles, looking between the three of you. 

"I CAUGHT TIM SUCKING THE SALIVA OUT OF MY SISTER!" Damian yells, trying to shake himself free of Bruce's grip.

"We've been dating for nearly a year now," you explain. "I didn't want to tell you because I knew you would behave like this."

Damian simply glares at Tim.

"Alright, enough of this! Boys, go back inside the If I find you fighting like this again, you will be grounded," Bruce warns. 

Tim and Damian stomp their way back into the house, exchanging hateful looks with every step. You move to follow them, but your father addresses you next.

"As for you, (Y/N). If there's any boy in the world that's at least halfway good for you...It's Tim."

You and Bruce share a knowing smile as he places a hand on your shoulder and leads you inside.

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