Wedding Series: His proposal

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(We're going to do a bit of a time jump here, to when Tim and Damian are a bit older 😉)

Dick💙: A big production

Dick has wanted to marry you for a long time but, being the romantic that he is, he wanted to build up to a grand proposal that would sweep you off your feet! His time in the circus made him quite the showman. There had to be a spectacular view, fireworks, big letters...the whole shebang! You're the love of his love, so his proposal should be nothing less than spectacular.

the whole shebang! You're the love of his love, so his proposal should be nothing less than spectacular

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Jason❤️: Out-of-the-blue

Jason still doesn't understand why you chose to be with him, but he doesn't dare question it. He has so many demons that he struggles to fight, but he's glad you want to fight alongside him. One day he just looks at you and thinks, "Damn...I want to marry this person." He isn't the type of guy to wait when he wants something. He just gets down on one knee and pops the question without explanation.'s not like he needs one, right? The fact that he loves you and wants to spend the rest of his life driving you crazy in all the right ways is enough. 


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Tim💛: Thrilling and thoughtful

Tim is intelligent, sweet, and extremely creative. When he realizes his future is next to you, he doesn't want to just tell you. He wants to show you. He wants to remind you of all the happy moments you've shared together before asking you the special question. He creates an elaborate scavenger hunt, where each clue leads you to a place where magical moments happened during your relationship. At the end of the game, the final clue takes you down a candle-lit path that leads you to him, kneeling down with the ring in his hands.

 At the end of the game, the final clue takes you down a candle-lit path that leads you to him, kneeling down with the ring in his hands

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Damian💚: Private and passionate

Damian is a very private person. He doesn't like to talk about his feelings for fear he'll be made fun of or be perceived as weak. Yet when he's with you, he can be raw, open, and vulnerable. He has never loved ANYONE the way he loves you. You're the one he trusts with everything. You are his beloved. When he proposes to you, he wants you to feel like you are the only two people left in the world. He asks if you'll take a hike with him...just the two of you. When you reach the top of the mountain, he pours out his heart like he never has before and asks to spend the rest of his life loving you the way you love him. 


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Bruce🖤: Classic, yet timeless

It might sound strange considering his reputation as the "playboy billionaire", but Bruce Wayne isn't a master at romance. The most he knows how to do is be himself, which hasn't worked out well for him in the past. He didn't believe finding love or sharing a future with someone was possible given his double life...but then he found you. You are one of the only things in life that could bring happiness to Batman, and he wants to keep that feeling forever. You've accepted his mission, his lifestyle, his past, and his crazy family. That being said, you're a keeper! With Alfred's help, Bruce cooked a fabulous dinner and set up a romantic date on the terrace. careful when drinking the champagne. There might be something sitting at the bottom of the glass.

 There might be something sitting at the bottom of the glass

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