No No we Won't Go

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Back at the Stafford hotel the next morning, Clarke was paying for the Griffin & Co's stay and Octavia watched over her shoulder as she conducted her business.

"All set, where's Mila?" she asked Octavia who was checking out her hair in the reflection of the reception desk.

"I just called, she's on her way down," she said in a muffled voice as she continued trying to fix a stray hair.

"Okay, so I'll uh... send Sofi back to you over Christmas." Raven said as she joined Clarke and Octavia at the front desk. Camila and Lauren were a few feet away having their own private goodbyes.

"And I'll see that Mila spends Easter with you." Clarke nodded and put on a brave face despite the crestfallen looks of the other two adults with her. The elevator dinged and Raven and Clarke looked on as the twins approached both wearing the same blouses - one in pink, one in orange. Their hair was done the same exact way, both wearing pink and orange head bands.

"Mila, what are you doing in those clothes we've got a plane to catch?" Clarke said with a small amused smile and a raised eyebrow at her daughter's outfit.

"Here's the deal Mom, we thought it over and decided that we're being totally jipped."

"Mamí promised that we're gonna go on a camping trip. And we wanna go, together."

"What camping trip?" Raven frowned at them.

"The one we go on every summer before school starts."

"Mila, this is ridiculous. Go on upstairs and put your clothes on." Clarke said sternly but the two girls stubbornly stood their ground.

"Are you sure I'm Mila?"

"Well of course I'm sure!" Clarke exclaimed becoming irritated. She liked to think she knew her own daughter.

"But its kinda hard being one hundred percent positive, isn't it?"

"Girls, this is totally un-funny. You're going to make us all miss our flights." Raven joined in with her own stern voice and both twins smiled at each other.

"Mila!" Clarke exclaimed in irritation.

"Yes?" the twins answered together with identical mischievous smiles.

Raven put her hands on her knees and bent in level with the girls. She looked at each of them carefully as if studying an experiment.

"This one's Sofi," she said triumphantly pointing at one of the girls with a knowing smirk, "I'm positive."

"Oh I hope you're right Mamí, because you wouldn't wanna send the wrong kid all the way back to London."

"Would you?" the twins smiled mischievously at their confused parents.

Octavia couldn't help but laugh, making the twin girls turn and smile at her, and Clarke send her a dirty look, basically saying, 'Don't encourage them.'

Raven stood back up with a look that told the beginnings of a migraine.

"Here's our proposition:" one of the twins stepped up and looked at her sister as she cleared her throat, motioning her over before looking back at her mothers. "we go back to Mamí's house, pack our stuff and the seven of us go camping."

"The seven of us?" Clarke exclaimed as if it was the most preposterous thing she'd heard.

"And when you bring us back, we'll tell you who's Sofi - and who's Mila."

"Or... You do as we say and I take one of you back with me to London whether you like or not." Clarke said knowing deep in her heart, that she and Raven lost the battle.


"And what am I supposed to do for three days? Sit home and knit!?"

Finn yanked off his sunglasses as he heard a plane fly by overhead and watched as Raven and Octavia pack a jeep with bags and other items. Lauren and Camila decided not to go.

"Babe, we're kinda in a sticky situation." Raven tried to explain as Finn's eyes widened to popping point as the words ran through his head.

"Sticky situation?!" he repeated as Clarke approached the two. Clarke was in a denim shirt over a pair of dark jeans and hiking boots while Finn was wearing another ill-colored suit.

"Excuse me, what is she doing here?" Finn hissed as he looked at Clarke who was carrying a backpack and ignoring him.

"See that's the part of the deal... the five of us.. we go together." Raven smiled sheepishly jamming her hands into her pockets.

"What are you suddenly the Brady Bunch?! This is ridic-" Finn yelled out.

"Hello," Clarke greeted him cheerily, "Is everything alright?"

"Well, no, as a matter of fact, it isn't. I didn't realize you were going on this little outing and to tell you the truth, I'm not so sure I am okay with it." Finn said not daring to look at Clarke.

"I agree. The ex-wife in the next sleeping bag is a little weird..." Clarke nodded.

"Thank you," her rival smiled but was stopped cold when Clarke said,

"I absolutely insist that you come with us."

Both Raven and Finn and even Octavia gave her incredulous looks.

"Clarke..." Raven said with a raised eyebrow, knowing that whatever Clarke was planning - it won't really end up well.

"No, honestly, Rae, I've messed up your entire week and this is the least I can do, really, please." Clarke said with her puppy dog look that Finn didn't notice before giving Finn a sweet smile. But Octavia did notice the pout. And she snickered to himself as she climbed into the car.

A little while later, Raven was strapping another set of bags as Finn came out wearing black work-out gear.

"Mamí, what's Finn doing here?" Sofi asked with a scowl when she saw him approaching the car.

"Your mother... invited him." Raven explained exasperatedly.

"What?!" Mila cried out and scowled too, just like her twin.

"Be," Raven looked at Mila, "Nice," she said and looked at Sofi before climbing in the front seat of the jeep.

The twins exchanged looks and an eye roll as Sofi sighed and climbed into the car.

"Ok, all set? Have fun everyone." Clarke said with a smile as Raven looked at her shocked, Finn smiled smugly and the twins looked at each other both shocked. Octavia wasn't even surprised. She knew her best friend too well.

"Clarke, what're you doing?" Raven asked knowing that somewhere, somehow, a plan was brewing in her ex-wife's head.

"I really think you and Finn need some time alone before the big day," she explained.

"Mum! Come on, that's not the plan." Mila protested from the backseat, her eyes expressing the panic she was feeling deep down in her stomach.

"Honestly, you'll have much more fun without me." Clarke smiled and Finn suddenly felt all panicky - much like Mila, while Sofi was just plain angry.

"Look, if you're not going... I don't have to go... Trust me, I'm not exactly a big nature guy," he said with a high pitched nervous laugh.

"But this'll be your chance to really get to know the girls... Starting next week, they're half yours." Clarke said sweetly and smiled at Finn who could only smile back as Octavia snorted in the backseat. Raven gave Clarke a mysterious grin as the twins sighed and sat down behind their aunt.

"Have fun all of you!" Clarke called out to the jeep cheerily as Camila came up beside her.

"Oh I would pay big money to see that man climb a mountain," she said and shook her head as Clarke laughed beside her and threw an arm around her shoulders.

"God I missed you!" The blonde exclaimed as Camila giggled and they turned to head back inside.

The Parent Trap {Claven / Princess Mechanic}Where stories live. Discover now