Chapter 4

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Your prov- Well Tio I had a great time and the ice cream shop was pretty bomb.

Gordon- Right! Thank you lord I'm not the only one who thinks that, I always argue with the kids who I coach some agree and than son disagree but thank you for agreeing with me!

Your prov- No problem, alright I'm going to bed okay and thank you for showing me around town Tio.

Gordon- No problem kid and goodnight get some rest, tomorrow I'm going to be gone at 9am and I'll but be back home at 7 okay.

Your prov- Alright goodnight.

Gordon- Goodnight.
Next day

Your prov- It was 9:30am Tio Gordon was gone already so I got up made my bed went in the bathroom to brush my teeth and I got in the shower. Once I was out I got dressed I put on some skinny jeans and put on a white t-shirt. I went downstairs to go cook breakfast for my self. When I was done eating I washed the dishes and than after that I put on my shoes and went walking done to a few markets. I came back home with milk and bread and I bought some curtains for my room since the ones my Tio Gordon had where old and didn't work very well from the sun shinning in my face.
Skip to when Gordon gets home.

Gordon- Y/n I'm home! Hmm I wonder what smells so good?

Your prov- Hey Tio Gordon I made dinner, I made chicken, rice and mash potatoes.

Gordon- Mhmm this looks good and smells good I could eat a horse! I'm going to go wash my hands and I'll come to join you okay.

Your prov- Alright, but hurry! Or the food is going to get cold.

Gordon- Alright let's sit down and eat. Damn! Y/n this is delicious! How did you become so good at cooking!?

Your prov- Well Tio I always watched mom cook and I loved helping her and I learned from the best. She gave me her secret recipe to make cinnamon rolls.

Gordon- Really! She would never tell me, that's not fair I was the big brother she should of told me.

Your prov- To bad! She had me and when I turned 13 she gave me the secret recipe.

Gordon- You Lucky little devil. So are you going to give me the secret recipe?

Your prov- I'll think about it.

Gordon- No fair!

Your prov- Tio Gordon you sound like a 2 year old and how old are you!? 34! Mom was 2 years younger than you and boy was she not a cry baby.

Gordon- Fine, fine I won't cry okay.

Your prov- Good.

Gordon- Alright y/n the team going to be here tomorrow at 10:00am okay and they are leaving at 9:00pm, you can come join us tomorrow if you want to.

Your prov- Alright Tio and what are they coming here for exactly?

Gordon- We are going to be planning things for the team and just hang out because they won there game last week and we didn't get to celebrate so I told them that we would have a campfire at our house.

Your prov- Oh okay sounds good than I'll join because I love that kind of stuff.

Gordon- Alright y/n thx for dinner it was delicious and I'm going to go hit the sack.

Your prov- Okay Tio goodnight love you.

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