Chapter 5

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Your prov- I woke up it was 11:00am! I never sleeped in this late unless I'm sick. I looked out my window and I saw my Tio with a group of teens that look the same age as me some a little bit older. I went to the restroom to brush my teeth and got in the shower. When I got out I could smell waffles and I heard a lot of voices downstairs. I put on some shorts and and navy blue T-shirt I brushed my hair and went downstairs. Tio what sme-.

The group- Uh who are you?

Your prov- Oh hi I'm y/n. My uncle is Gordon, I call him Tio Gordon.

Guy- Well nice to meet you y/n I'm Guy and your uncle is our coach.

Your prov- I know, well its nice to meet you guys.

Connie- So how long have you been living with your uncle? We have came to his house before and we have never seen you here before.

Your prov- Oh I just moved in with my uncle a couple of days ago.

Luis- Uh well I'm Luis and I'm the hottest one here 😏 and if you need anything I'm here.

Adam- Luis calm down aren't you and Mindy still a thing?

Julie- More like fuck buddies.

Luis- Shut up.

Your prov- Well its nice meeting all of you.

Charlie- Wait you aren't going to stay with us?

Your prov- Oh I'll probably join you guys in a bit

The group- Alright well come join us anytime.

You where walking out and you felt that someone was behind you but you just ignored it. You got to the game room and closed the door and you heard a voice.

?- You know y/n, you are very attractive and honestly I wouldn't mind if you hung around us everyday. 😏

Your prov- OMG! You scared me! You are Luis right?

Luis- Yup that's me.

Your prov- Well Luis just saying you seem like a chill guy but I won't be your fuck buddy.

Luis- Oh Ms. Salty. I like it, well baby girl I'm just trying to be friends with you.

Your Prov- Well you have a funny way showing it but whatever, I'm leaving so I'll catch up with you guys in a bit.

With that you walk out the game room and Luis is starting to get some weird feeling he has never felt y/n kept reapting in his mind and kept thinking about how beautiful you are and your beautiful h/c (hair color) and your big beautiful e/c (eye color) he walked out the game room and was just waiting for you to go and join the group downstairs.

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