Chapter 9

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Your prov- I woke up around 7:30am my Tio was downstairs eating. He wasn't leaving till 8:00am and I wouldn't to go with him just to see the ducks. Goodmoring Tio Gordon.

Gordon- Hey pumpkin. What are you doing up so early?

Your prov- I was wondering if I could go with you today just to watch.

Gordon- I see no problem with it go get ready kid we have to beat traffic.

Your prov- Alright well do.

You guys walk in and hear the group talking, but they don't know that you are hearing all this.

Connie- So Luis has a crush on coach Gordons niece? ;)

Luis- What... Um no I just met her.

Julie- That doesn't mean anything Luis.

Guy- True took a look at Connie and I when I first met her right away I fell for us and now we are together.

Dwayne- Luis you can't be afraid to fall for someone.

Luis- Just give it sometime alright guys just chill.

Jesse- Luis talk to her and try to spend time with her.

Luis- I don't have time for that. You guys already know.

The group- Lies! You have time to mess around with Mindy!

Luis- Shut up!

Your prov- Hey did I walk in at the wrong time? Did I miss something?

Luis- No, no you are fine.

Adam- Hey y/n. What brings you here?

Your prov- Oh I asked Tio Gordon if I could come today and just watch you guys.

Charlie- No we don't mind at all you can come anytime.

Your prov- Alright cool.

Connie- So y/n do you like to skate? Play hockey?

Luis- She loves it.😏

Julie- So Luis was paying attention to y/n on the date.

Your prov- Oh what know that wasn't a date Luis was just showing me around and where you guys hang out sometime.

Greg- Well look at Luis he's finally learning.

Luis- Shut up.

Gordon- Alright guys on the ice and let's get started.

The team went on the ice. You just sat there while they started practicing. You where watching Luis and you where very shocked by his speed. You started laughing when he kinda lost balance and crashed into the net. He looked up at you and you stopped laughing he went to your Tio and asked him for permission to go talk to you and than he would be back. Your Tio said it was fine but to hurry.

Luis- So y/n you thought that was pretty funny to see me fall?

Your prov- I'm sorry it wasn't fun it was funny when you got up because you had this face like what the hell happened and I couldn't stop laughing.

Luis- Hahah very funny. You know what you need.

Your prov- What would that be?

Luis- Maybe some..... Tickling!

Your prov- Luis! Sto-! I can't breathe! Oh my- bahahahaha!

You couldn't stop laughing and Luis started laughing to. You guys fell and he was on top of you. Both of you where looking at eachother in the eyes and than you guys heard a voice.

?- So Mendoza what did you say about not having a crush on y/n?

Luis- Shut up Russ.

Russ- I'm just playing around with you.

Your prov- Well um I think you better get back to practice.

Luis- Yeah, I'll talk to you afterwards.

Your prov- Yup alright see ya.

Gordon- Alright guys go to the locker rooms and change.

The boys went to a different locker room and the girls did to you had to talk to your Tio so you decided to walk into the boys locker room.

Lester- Mendoza was all over y/n we all saw you.

Your prov- Hahah that's a good one, but it is true.

The boys- ahahah! What are you doing in here!?

Your prov- I came to talk to my Tio and plus I've seen boys shirtless so um I don't know why you guys would ask I'm in here.

Luis- Baby cakes did you come to see me shirtless?

Ken- Chill Mendoza she came to see me.

Adam- In your dreams she came to see me.

Dean- Ya sure.

Fulton- She came to see me not you guys.

Your prov- No idiots I came to see my Tio.

Gordon- Hey pumpkin. What do you need?

Your prov- Well I was wondering if.

Gordon- If what?

Your prov- If I can go out again I want to do some exploring every night please?

Gordon- I don't know?

Your prov- Please?

Gordon- Y/n not the puppy dog eyes. No puppy.... Okay fine, fine. Just can't stat out to late okay.

Your prov- Yayy thank you so much Tio I love you!

You kissed both his cheeks. All the guys saw everything they actually fell for your puppy dog eye trick but Luis fell for it even more.

Dean- What does Luis wish that was him getting hugs and kisses from y/n?

Gordon- You guys sure bet he does!

Adam- Ayee coach knows what's up!

Luis- Coach! I hmm.. What.... No!

Gordon- I saww you Luis getting all lovey with my little pumpkin y/n. You are lucky I'm not her father but I will get overprotective.

The boys to Luis- Just admit it you are finally getting feelings and you like her!

Luis- Fine yes I do! Even though I've known her for a day or 2, I feel something!

All the boys even coach- Finally!

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