Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

I was so excided when I woke up. I could not wait for my date. My friend gave me his number and we have been texting for a while now and were finally going to meat and go on a date. i got ready and headed out to the date. They were going ice skating then got back to jades hotel room and watch a movie. I love One Direction so I put in my Midnight Memories cd.  I was jamming out to Midnight memories when I swerved and hit a tree.  When I woke up I didnt feel horribe. I felt like I could run a mile. A few minutes later a doctor came and told me I got in a crash and I had been in a coma for a month. He told me I was free to go and Mia soon came in to pick me up. Being awesome friend she is, she re scheduled my date and I was super hyped.

                     one week later

I woke up and go ready and left. I was listening to my new midnight memories cd not so loud this time snd by the time I got to the ice skating rink you and I was about over. She got out of the car and went in then saw her date. when the curly headed boy  looked up she was freaking out inside so he wouldn't see her freaky reaction.

"Oh my god your Harry Styles, I love you" I said

''Thanks I hear that a lot"   Harry said

Jade was about to freak out but then she realized she was hear for a date not to gush all over Harry Styles.

"Sorry I have to go"   I said looking down at my phone

"That's fine its always nice to meat another fan"   He said

"Bye"  I said walking away

"Bye"  Bye he called

Jade got her phone out and texted the guys name she didn't even know that was going to be her date. "Where are you im at the rink" Jade texted to her mystery guy "Im hear to what are you wearing?" he texted back So Jade texted what she was wearing and Harry came up to her again and said "you must be Jade"

"Ya im Jade and your Harry Styles"  I said stating the obvious

"Um Mia gave me your number she said you have brown hair and blue eyes so you the girl I was talking to. "  he said

"That's so sweet but are you sure she gave you the right number?" I asked

"if she did give me the wrong number im glad she did"  Harry said smirking

Jade and harry got there skates on and went in the ice skating rink. Like right when jade got out there jade almost fell on her butt but harry caught her right before she fell. It sort of hurt but she just laughed it off.  the skated until about six pm then went back to jade hotel room. they watched the Titanic and The Notebook. Yes Jade just happened to be carrying only two movies that also just happen to be Harry's favorite movie. Jade started to fall asleep on harry's shoulder during the list bit of The Titanic.

"Its getting late and you look tired im gonna go" he said

"The movie is almost over why dont you stay till its over?"   I asked putting my head back on his shoulder

"Ok"  he said in is attractive accent

Jade wasint evenpaying attention to the movie anymore she was thinking about everything. Does Harry even like me he goes through girl like niall goes through nodos coupons. does Harry just have pitty for me? Jade thought before she knew it the movie was over.

"Well its already late I better be heading back to my hotel"  he said placing a kiss on her cheek

"Ok"   I said a little sad

Jade walked Harry over to the door and said bye but the harry made a move, as Jade leaned in for the hug he kissed he on the LIPS!!!

                                                                                    Jade's POV

omfg did he serously just do that omg what if he realy does like me. Would we fight if we went out. What happens when he goes back on the tour? Grrrr im so confused roght now.

                                                                    Back to relaity

"Bye i'll text you tomorrow"    He said

"Ok bye"  

Jade shut the door as Harry walked down the hallway tot the elevator. When the door was closed she skipped to her bed then flopped down on her back. My life is so perfect right now she thought to her self. mia was at Nialls hotel and she wasint going to be back tonight. Mia and Niall where dating somehow. No one how they knew eachother i guess she just popped out during the concert in Nialls mind.

The date was perfect she texted to mia. I knew you would like him she sent back. Well of course i would love him he is HARRY STYLES! she shot back. mia dident answer after that so Jade just went to bed in hope that tomorrow would be just as perfect.


im new at this i promis my wrighting will get better hope you liked it. I should have the 2nd chapter up in like a week or less. BYE!!<3

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