Chapter 5

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Some bitch hade broke into there apartment and either broke or stole all there things.

"Oh my god."   (Jade)

"You can say at my place."   (Harry said)

"no its fine all I need is a mattress and I comforter"   (Jade said still in shock)

"do you want a warm body to?"    (Harry asked with a smirk on his face)

"Lets go"  (Jade said with a smirk on her face to heading towards the door to leave)

"I knew it"    (Harry whispered) 

"I heard you"   (Jade)

"but you know it's true"    (Harry laughed)

"I know"   (Jade smiles showing he cute little dimples)

"So wanna tell me whats going on?"  (Harry asked)

"When we get to your place"   (Jade)

"Ok"   (Harry)

When they got to the house Harry's mom was in the living room.

"Oh hey Harry I didn't know you were bringing company."  (Anne Harry's mom)

Harry went up to his mom and gave her a massive hug and a kiss on the check. While Jade just kind of stood there awkwardly.

"Oh mom this Jade, my girlfriend."    (Harry)

"Oh hello Jade"  (Anne)

You could tell she was really bubbly and fun just by listening to he talk. But Jade on the other hand was really shy.

"Hello"  (Jade said shyly)

"Come on Jade lets go to my room"    (Harry said pulling Jade towards the stairs)

"Nice to meet you"   (Jade said while being pulled a long by Harry)

"You to."     (Anne)

When they got up to Harry's room Jade asked what was the rush?

"Nothing you just need to talk to me about what happened at the airport."  (He demanded)

"You need to sit down then, I don't want to start any drama about this but if you really want to know I will tell you."  (Jade said already remembering the hurtful memories) 

"Yes I need to know."    (Harry said looking into Jade's eyes and taking her hands and sitting them both on the bed)

"Well when I was like 8 my dad started to drink and he drank more and more for about a year he would drink like a pack every day and he would start to punch me throw me kick me tell me he hates me and he doesn't love me, (Jade said her eyes watering up)  I was to scared to tell anybody and my mom ran off when I was 7 so it was only me and my dad. Then when I was 15 I had one of the best boyfriends but then he did stupid things like smoke and drink and get high so he would do dumb things. One day I saw him with another girl they were kissing and when I asked him about it later he said no, your a useless slut nobody really loves you. (She said not caring tears were rushing down her face.)

"That's not true i lve you"  (Harry)

"Then I had enough of it I wanted it to be all over so I locked myself in the bathroom and broke a razor and overdosed and cut myself I was in the hospital for two weeks and thank god my aunt was there like right after I passed."

Harry didn't do anything he just sat there then hugged Jade and let her cry on his shoulder.


"I told you I didn't want any drama"     (Jade said still crying)

"Then why were you crying at the airport?"           (Harry)

"Because one of your so called fans said  your useless and nobody really "loves you."   (Jade)

"Ya they can be really mean sometimes"  (Harry)

"I know I am a directioner and I have some of the thing they say on twitter and stuff"   (Jade)

"Well im tired do u wanna go to sleep now?"   (Harry asked)

"Sure but let me change into something more comfortable."  (Jade)

Harry just sat there like you were going to lap dance on him. He just sat there looking at you.

                                                                        Harry's POV

Ugg I love her but I don't know how to tell her. When will I tell her? today, tomorrow the next day, next week. WE have been dating for a while now. She's so beautiful her ocean blue eyes her beautiful soft red hair.

"So where do i change?"    (Jade asked)

"I'll hide under the covers and you can change here"    (Harry said throwing the covers over his head)

Jade turned around because she knew Harry would peek through the blanket. And when she went to realized the zipper was stuck.

"Oh lovely"    (Jade laughed/whispered)

"What"   (Harry yelled through the blanket)

"Nothing"    (Jade)

"Ok"    (Harry yelled through the blanket again)

Jade pulled her pants down as hard as she could but they would not budge. She tried to get the zipper un-stuck but when she looked down she realized she didn't un-button the button. She giggled then thought wow I almost had Harry pull my pants off. God damn it she thought I could of just had my pants pulled down by Harry Styles, every girls dream... but no pants just had to have a button damn pants. She got in her sweat pants and lied down next to Harry and went into a deep slumber.

Her ex-boyfriend pushed her into the corner and kicked her onto the ground and went up to Harry and started to punch him.

"You don't deserve her she is MINE so back off"   (ex)

Harry refuse to fight back Jade's ex came back to hit her again but Harry came up in front of Jade so she wouldn't get hurt again.

"Harry please stop he's hurting you"         (Jade screamed while Harry was getting punched)

Harry grabbed Jade's wrist pulled her along as her ran towards the door and outside and into another house. Harry slammed the door shut and locked it. After you heard the door slam you heard the refrigerator door slam. Nobody loves you get out of my house the familiar voice shouted. It was Jade's dad. He came into the room with a beer in is hand. He looked at Jade with a dirty look and then got all up in jade's face screaming at her spitting on her when he screamed. She tried to beck up but he kept coming closer. Stop please she screamed. No, no you are no the boss of me now get out of my house he screamed the vain budging out of the neck as he pointer towards the door. Jade ran into the bathroom again and broke a razor and slowly let the blade slide up he arm. She did this three more times and then opened the cabinet and got out her dad's pills and slowly swallowed the first two pills and swallowed the rest of the bottle. She remembered feeling dizzy and just fell. She could hear a faint voice saying please let me in. He pushed the door open moving he body. He lifted he up and held he and said please don't, why, why I love you please don't go. she couldn't see his face clearly and the last thing she heard was a soft weep of a guys voice. 

"Jade wake up"  (Harry said as he lightly shook her awake)

oh my god she thought it was only a .....nightmare

"Are you ok you were sweating and kept moving around a lot"   (Harry asked)

"Ya im fine just a bad dream"  (Jade stammered)

"Ok"  (Harry said lying down and pulling Jade closer to him not letting his tight grip around her go)

Jade couldn't seem to go to sleep all she could think her horrible dream.... and Harry's warm body against hers. Could life get any more perfect at the time Jade thought.

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