Chapter 53

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                                 4 days later.....

I havent really talked in the last 5 days. If sombody would ask me a question or say hi i would answer back and before bed i would say i love you to Harry but that was about. I dont think i will be the same bubbly fun Jade anymore.

"Hey babe." Harry said as i woke up

"Hey." i said barley above a whisper

"Do you want pancakes for breakfast?" he asked wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing me

"Sure." i said kissing him back

 "Im leaving tonight for tour again babe." he said

"Oh when will your next little break be?"  i asked 

"Four months." he said his smile dissapearing

"Oh thats too long." i whined

"Well do you want to come with me on tour?" he asked

"I would lovw to, now go to the kitchen and make me some pancakes." i said

I think this is the most i have ever talked in the 5 days since... Darcy. You know what. Im going to drop it and think of what is happening instead of what happened. So for now as lou says the past let it go.

"Let it go, let it go cant hold it back anymore!" i screamed

"Wait you have to start from the begining." Mia protested

"The snow glows white on the moutain tonight not a foot print to be seen i kingdom of." i was cut off by Niall and Harry comming in.

"Wow i never knew you could sing that good." Harry said

"I never knew you could sing at all." Niall said

"Stupid every one can sing it's just that some people arent very good at it." I said

"Then lets here you sing again, except make it on youtube." Mia said

"They werent soposed to know about that!" i protesed

"Well now they do." Harry said

"Uggg, fine." i said getting my camera and tripod out of my closet.

I set the stuff up and opened my window for some lighting. I sat on bed and motioned for Mia to turn on the camera and started to talk.

"Hi everybody, i am going to be doing a singing video. I know i havent posed in forever but now i am, but i was forced to by Harry." I said  "Harry show the people your face, the face that forced me." i said as Harry poped his face infront of the camera sticking his tounge out and then going back behind the camera.

"I am going to be singing Story of my life by 1D cause i like that song and if you dont like it you may go and get a life. i said

"just sing." Niall yelled

"Shut up Niall." i said i will edit that out then i thought to myself.

"Written in these walls are the stories that I can't explain

I leave my heart open but it stays right here empty for days

She told me in the morning she don't feel the same about us in her bones

Seems to me that when I die these words will be written on my stone

And I'll be gone, gone tonight

The ground beneath my feet is open wide

The way that I been holding on too tight

With nothing in between

The story of my life

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