Expecto Patronum

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Information : Harry Potter crossover, romance and very cute, based on a creation by the twitter account xiuhanaesthetic.

-It is the hardest charm among all, I can't believe we really have tomake a patronus.

Luhan smiled as he heard his best friend anxious voice.

-Is Kim Minseok afraid to do a charm ? he said.

-No ! Of course not. I'm just saying that I found it weird, nothing much, I'm not afraid.

-Yeah, sure.

Minseok glared at him but choose to not answer as Luhan was obviously making fun of him. Actually, it was Luhan who was anxious about this exercice. It was their sixth year at Hogwarts but Luhan was not really the best in charms in general so he doubt he could do a patronus. The fact that Minseok, the best student in this class and in many others, was nervous too made him worry even more. How stupid was it ? Him, a Gryffindor student, the house of bravery and courage, was scared of a simple charm. He sighed, he was sure Minseok would be able to do it. Even their teacher was looking at him with eyes full of hope. His best friend was a Ravenclaw and really had all qualities of this house. He was smart, hard working and motivated when it comes to classes, but was also very creative and original. He always tried to learn more than just what was told by the teachers. He would never admit it, but he was really competitive too. Plus, he was a quidditch player so when it was Gryffindor against Ravenclaw, he barely talked to Luhan before and during the game, especially that Luhan played too, and then came back like nothing happened. Luhan did not really cared about that. He found it funny. Minseok was too precious to him to let something like that in the way of their friendship. He admired him a lot, he would never told him, but he was glad that Minseok was his friend, he was like a ray of sunshine in his life.

-Focus on a memory, the teacher voice took him out of his thought, the happiest memory you can have.

Luhan closed his eyes, thinking about his life. What was his happiest moment ? The day he received his letter for Hogwarts ? He was from a muggle family and even if some strange things had happened in his childhood he never thought that it could be something like magic. He remembered that he was really happy that day. He opened his eyes, maybe it would be enough. He looked at Minseok, he could see on his face how hard he was thinking and it made him smile. Then, suddenly, it became clear. His happiest memory was not when he learnt that he was a wizard. His happiest memory was the day he met Minseok. He could totally remember that day. It was their first class of charms, Gryffindor and Ravenclaw, Luhan was amazed by everything he had seen in Hogwarts but was also really lonely. He was not the shy type usually but it was such a strange new universe that he did not knew how to proceed to make some new friends. So, in this class, he just sat randomly somewhere and he ended up next to Minseok. At first, it was a bit awkward, they did not talk, they just tried to avoid any contact between them and acted like the other one was not there. However, it was hard to totally ignored Minseok as he answered correctly at every question. Luhan was really amazed, he was discovering everything but this guy clearly seemed like he already knew everything, and the "wow" he was thinking at that moment, he said it out loud. He was so embarrassed when Minseok looked at him with his big eyes but when he started smiling at him, it just relieved him. All of a sudden, he felt very comfortable and just said to Minseok that he was very impressed to see all his knowledge and as much as he was talking, the Ravenclaw student's smile became bigger. It just happened like that, they felt some kind of connection and they spent all those years together. The most happiest years for Luhan and it all started with this meeting. Yes it had to be this memory.

-Why are you staring at me like that ? Did you find your memory ?

-Oh ? Hum, yes I think so, Luhan answered a bit embarassed.

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