Never be alone (Song fic)

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The song is Shawn Mendes - Never Be Alone, please listen to it while reading !

I Promise that one day I'll be around, I'll keep you safe, I'll keep you sound

Luhan took his cup of coffee and then sit next to the window. He looked at the sky. The weather was good, spring was there, and the light blue sky was a proof of it. He finally had a day off so he was enjoying the rare free time he had. More than one year had passed since he left EXO, since he left Minseok and he did not spent any day without thinking about him. Everday he was thinking about how he could keep the promise he made to him and see him again.

Right now it's very crazy and I don't know how to stop or slow it down

When he left the group he never thought that he was going to have such a crazy schedule. He was always doing something, movies, albums, interviews, fanmeetings. He was travelling a lot. Never had a time for himself so how could he even think about seeing Minseok ? It was so hard but he couldn't change it.

Hey, I know there are some things we need to talk about, and I can't stay

He could probably imagine that Minseok wanted to talk but was pretending to live his life like nothing happened. Because he left so cowardly, he told no one about that derparture and Minseok learnt it the same day as everyone else. But he had no other choices than left like that. He did not regret it now but he knew that he earned to Minseok a lot of explanations.

So let me hold you for a little longer now

Now that he was thinking about it, he thought that maybe Minseok knew what was going on at that time. Maybe he had noticed that Luhan was trying his best to spent as much time as possible with him, knowing that every moment could be the last, and that it was strange.

Take a piece of my heart and make it all your own

Luhan really tried. He tried to make the best memories for Minseok. He knew that the korean was thinking positively most of the time. Minseok was the type of guy who was not crying over someone he had lost but more enjoying the good memories that he had with this person. So, that was what Luhan did. He put a piece of his heart on it.

So when we are apart you'll never be alone

He was hoping that Minseok was okay now. That the positive person that he was survived to that lost. It would have been a lie to say that Luhan was not the member with who Minseok was the closest in the group, they were the same age, had the same hobbies, were inseparable. Luhan hoped that the last things he did let him with such good memories that it would be enough to bear his absence.

When you miss me close your eyes I may be far but never gone

At the same time, Luhan hoped that Minseok was still missing him like he did. That the korean knew that Luhan did not left him personnally. That he still loved him. That even far, he was there, in his heart, just like Minseok was in his, forever.

When you fall asleep tonight just remember that we lay under the same stars

Again, he looked at the sky. They were maybe not in the same continent as before, but nothing had changed. They were under the same sky, the same stars, and no one could ever take that away from them.

And hey I know there are some things we need to talk about

Luhan did not know when he would be able to send a message to Minseok. Everyday he was thinking of what kind of things he could say to him to explain everything. He was writing on his own mind the good words to use for that moment. Sometimes he even wrote those words on a paper.

And I can't stay so let me hold you for a little longer now

But as hard as he wanted, he couldn't send those words. Not now. Maybe he had to wait years before he could.

So when we are apart you'll never be alone

They were separate for so long now, and Luhan knew that this distance was not about to change for the next years. But he also knew that, no matter what, Minseok and him were meant for each other and that, one day, they will be together.  

Lumin / Xiuhan OSWhere stories live. Discover now