Chocolate Frog (part 1)

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Information : Harry Potter crossover, mostly romance and fluff, part 2 is coming soon (i hope)

"Minseok is not coming?"Luhan asked as they were walking out of Hogwarts' castle toHogsmeade.

"No, he said somethingabout a potion paper that he had to finish absolutely duringbreakfast this morning." answered his friend Jongdae.

Jongdae was, just likeMinseok, a Ravenclaw so he was the only one who saw Minseok this day.

"What? I'm in the sameclass, do we really have a potion paper to do?"

Jongdae had a little smileseeing his Slytherin friend's confused face.

"I guess so, but youknow Minseok, it's probably due for two weeks but he's just doing itearly." answered Yixing, Luhan's best friend, an Hufflepuff.

The Slytherin shookhis head.

"Nevermind." he said."I'll do it tomorrow if needed."

No one answered him. Luhanlooked quickly at them, they were all staring right in front of them.He knew what they were thinking, that Minseok could have waited fortomorrow to do his homework, and yes, they were probably right. ThisSaturday was the day every students at Hogwarts were going toHogsmeade, including their groups of friend. Since they werepractically all in different houses, they did not have really thatmuch time to spend together. He was in Slytherin, with Kyungsoo,Jongdae and Minseok were in Ravenclaw, Yixing and Jongin were inHufflepuff. They had all this kind of pact to be together – and allof them – at Hogsmeade, but Minseok was always the first to breakit to study. And it had gone worst and worst with the years,especially this one, their seventh, with their N.E.W.T coming.

"One Saturday withoutstudying, it's not a big deal..." he heard Jongin mumbled.

It was true, Minseokalways had excellent grades and was a brilliant and smart student, soa day off wouldn't be too bad for him. Luhan knew he was worrying fornothing and studying more than needed. But it was how he was, and, tobe honest, the Slytherin found it kinda cute. Plus his friend's nerdside was helpful sometimes, he would always help with everyonehomeworks, especially with him since Luhan was not as good as him.

"Don't think about ittoo much, Minseok is just perfectionist and he's starting to be verystressed about those ASPIC thing." Luhan added.

"Why? He's the beststudent among all of us, I even think among all of Hogwarts', hedoesn't need to study that much." said Jongin, louder this time.

Luhan opened his mouth toanswer but Yixing did it faster:

"Yeah, maybe. But still,you have to respect this, he always cheers you and Luhan forQuidditch even if he doesn't like it at all."

The Slytherin saw thatJongin was about to say something again so he cut it short:

"Let's forget about itand enjoy this day."

Lumin / Xiuhan OSWhere stories live. Discover now