Chapter 3

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'Over two and a half million subscribers?!' I think to myself, shocked at the sudden jump in numbers. "That can't be possible!" I mumble out loud, without meaning to. "Did you say somethin' Ohm?" Delirious asked, sounding concerned. "What can't be possible?" I hear Cartoonz question. I look at my phone again to make sure I'm not imagining it, then I say, "Look at my channel and you'll see."

The call goes silent for a couple minutes, when suddenly Delirious screams, "Holy fuck! How?" I shrug my shoulders, even though they can't see. "I honestly don't know. I checked before our game and it was only at around one million still."  Soon I'm getting bombarded with questions. "Hang on, guys! Chill! I said I don't know!" A notification from Skype pops up on my screen.

[Mini Laddd has joined the call]

"Heeeeey. Who's killing people this time?" Mini says. "Delirious wants to be killer, but before we start, we need to discus how and why Ohm, here, has over two and a half million subscribers." Cartoonz announces, sounding a little annoyed. "Wait. Ohm has over two million subscribers? Last I looked he had only a little over one million!" Mini exclaims. I sigh, and put my face in my hands. "Can we just get this round done and then discuss this?" I mumble, getting annoyed at all the questions. They reluctantly agree and we start up the round.

"Macmillan Estate, huh? I want some popcorn to watch this slaughter." Delirious laughs, and starts to hum 'Pop Goes the Weasel' quietly. I roll my eyes as I walk my character slowly over to a hook. "Saboteur time." I say, earning a groan from Mini. "I was gonna do that!" I chuckle lightly at his reply.

Hearing a heartbeat, I stop disabling the hook and crouch behind a rock. I watch as Delirious walks by, him playing as the Trapper. "Hey guys. Update on the killer. It's a Trapper." I announce, when I see Delirious place a trap near the generator close by. "What? No I'm not!" he yells, trying to trick the others. Suddenly, Cartoonz screams, "Yes he is!" I see the icon under his name change to a bear trap. Delirious chuckles, "I'm comin' for ya Toonz!" I watch as Delirious' character heads toward Cartoonz. I slowly creep towards the hook again, to see Mini's character disabling it. I hear Cartoonz curse under his breath,and I notice his icon change to a hook. I call out to gain Mini's attention. "Hey, Mini." He let's out a small yelp and seems to mess up on a skill check. "Ohm! You scared the shit out of me!"

I chuckle. "Sorry. Did you see Delirious? I saw him leave but I don't know if he's still near." The heartbeat was still there, just pretty quiet at the moment. However it started to get louder. He starts to reply, then he screams. "He's behind you!" He turns his character towards the opposite direction and takes off. I turn my camera around to see Delirious walking right towards me. "C'mere, Ohm!" he says, swinging his machete at me. "Shit!" I scream, running away from him. "I'm on my way Cartoonz!" I hear Bryce say. Soon enough, I see Bryce's character run past. "Bryce! Run! He's after me!" I yell, trying to dodge an attack from Delirious. "Stop moving!" he yells, swinging again. Unfortunately, it connects, and my character is flat on the ground. "God dammit!"

Delirious laughs psychotically, and picks up my character. He passes by a pallet, when it gets slammed in his face. "What the fuck!?" Getting free, I take off in a random direction. "Thanks, Bryce!" I say, relieved my friend came in clutch. "Nothin' to it!" came the reply. I head towards the farmhouse and hide behind a rubble pile upstairs. "Why is Cartoonz still on a hook?!" I exclaim. "Because no one has tried to help me yet!" Cartoonz screams. "I've been struggling for awhile and I'm gonna die!" As soon as he says the word 'die' his icon under his name changes to an injured person.

I blink in surprise. "Bryce?" I question, seeing if it was him who did the rescue. "Nope! It was me!" Mini says, sounding slightly happy yet nervous at the same time. "He near you?" Bryce asks, noticing the nervousness in Mini's voice. Mini answers with a scream as he's hit by Delirious. "C'me---ini!" ("C'mere Mini!") "I'll take that as a yes." Bryce laughs.

"How many generators have people worked on?" I ask, looking at the number of generators still left to do. 'We still have all five left to do?' I sigh in frustration. "There are two I have worked on. They're at half way." I hear Bryce reply.

"I'm almost done with one right now." Cartoonz says, just as he finishes it off. "Only four more then." I say. I walk up to one and start fixing it. Two more generators are suddenly finished. "I found one that was almost done." Mini says. 'Must have gotten away from Delirious.' I think to myself. "Got one done, too. Headed towards another." I hear Bryce say. "I'm working on one right now as well. Bryce you fix another. Mini and Cartoonz, you two each head to a door. But be careful." I reply.

Suddenly, I start to hear a heartbeat again. "Oh no." I get off the generator and crouch beside it. I watch as Delirious walks past, seeming to slow down. 'He's been awfully quiet this round.' "Oh---ere ar---ou? I kn---aw yo---" ("Ohm? Where are you? I know I saw you!") I frown, hearing Delirious' choppy speech. 'Bad connection, must be.' I think. Mini lets out a sound of frustration. "Where's the door? I can't find it!" Sighing in relief when Delirious finally walks away, I start on the generator again. "It'll show up soon." Bryce says, as he finishes his generator. I focus on my next skill check, then reply, "Just a little more..." I say. "And...done!"

A horn sounds and the switches to the doors are highlighted on my screen for a few seconds. "I'm heading towards a door guys. Get 'em open, now!" I start heading towards the nearest door and see Mini on the switch. "Delirious! Go away, you ass!" Cartoonz yells. "No!" 'Delirious is probably at the other door then.' I think, moving my camera in that direction. "I got the ting, don't worry!" Bryce says, probably getting on the switch. The door next to Mini and I opens to reveal the way out.

"Door's open!" Mini yells, hiding behind a brick wall in the new uncovered area.  I follow suit and notice Cartoonz had gotten hit. "Cartoonz? You good?" I call out. "I'll be fine if Bryce would open the fucking door!" he yells back. Bryce exclaims, "I got the door! It's open!" I watch the icons under Bryce and Cartoonz and see that they both escaped.

"Alright. Let's go, Mini." I say to him, escaping from the map. Mini follows, and we hear Bryce cheering. "Everyone got out! Yeah!" I smile, then frown in confusion. "Delirious? You there? You've been awful choppy." I hear a static sound, and yet another choppy reply. "Sor---- ection is b---" ("Sorry, connection is bad.") I shake my head and chuckle. "Don't worry about it. I'll talk to you guys later. I need to get going. Hope you get that fixed, Delirious." "Wait! We need to talk abo---" I disconnect from the call, shut down Dead by Daylight and log off Skype. I grab my phone and look at the sub count again. 'What is going on?'

***tinywy_frost is out***

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