Chapter 11

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Ω Three Hours Later Ω

We finally arrive at the location. I look up at the building and frown. "I can't believe of all the places..." I whisper, getting out of my car. I hear the others exit their cars as well. I glance behind me to see them all readying their 'tranquilizer' guns. I have doubt that that's what they are. I slowly walk towards the door, when I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn and see Brian standing next to me. "Let me go first, okay?" I look at him confused. "Don't worry, Ryan. It's fine." I hear Evan say. I take a step back and gesture for Brian to lead the way. He gives me a small smile and heads to the door. A few of the others walk past when I finally start walking again.

As I walk to the door, I can barley contain my sadness at the condition of the building. The walls are crumbled in some areas, most of it is covered in thick layers of ivy. Many of the windows are smashed, and there is a broken fence near the corner of the building. Looking up, I see words that have faded so bad, that the only thing you can see is a couple random letters.

"C----G- ---A -----N---Y ----O-"

Though I remember exactly what it used to say.


I am looking at the ruined remains of my childhood learning. Sighing, I walk through the door, and meet up with the guys, who had all gone in before me when I stopped to examine the school's exterior.  The others are slowly making their way through the entrance hall, checking every room they pass.

I follow suit, removing the gun from behind my back. The further down the hall we go, however, the darker it gets. When it got to difficult to see, I hear a clicking noise, and the hallway is filled with light. Evan and Jon have turned on some flashlights they had brought. Remembering I have one, I pull it out and switch it on. I shine it in the passing rooms, when I notice something unusual. When I shined my light in a room, there was something that reflected the light. I let out a small cough to notify the others, and I enter the room.

I approach the area where I saw the reflection, when I hear a slamming noise. I whip around and see that Tyler has shut the door. "What the..?" I exclaim, running over to the door. I yank on the handle, only for it not to budge. I look up and see them all pass by. Evan stops in front of the door and slips a piece of paper under it. I glare at him, then grab the note when he walks away. I open it up and read it.

We're sorry but you can't come with us.  We know we told you that we are sending Zach to jail but in truth, we plan on ending him. We've been keeping it from you, but the thing is; we know him. He's been tacking each of is down individually. He knows to much. He has to go. We knew that you wouldn't be okay with it, which is why we plan on locking you in a room when we arrive. Someone messaged a friend and had them place an object in a random room so you would investigate. Don't worry, though. When the deed is done, we will come and get you. Then you can be as mad as you want to be. But for now, just stay safe.

At the bottom everyone had signed their name. I look up and let loose a frustrated yell. I start pacing until I remember the reason I came into the room. I walk over and see a simple piece of metal. I pick it up and see that engraved on it is an omega symbol with the word sorry underneath it. I throw it at the door in anger.

Ω Ten Minutes Later Ω

After a while of pacing, I start to get worried. I check my phone and see that ten minutes have passed. I look back up at the door, pondering how I can break it down. I walk up to it and try to turn the knob again, but it doesn't budge. Letting out a low growl, I walk over and pick up a chunk of the wall that had crumbled. I take aim and chuck it at the door. It bounces off, resulting in a door still unopened, and making my anger get worse. I go to pick up another rock when suddenly, I hear gunfire. I jerk up and rush to the door. I look out the window, hoping I can catch a glimpse of what's happening.

I start trying to open the door, twisting the knob frantically. Soon enough, the gun fire stops. I continue trying to open the door, not noticing the figure approaching in the hallway until it stops in front of the door. I look at them and notice that they seem hurt, but I can't see their face, so I don't know who it is. They unlock the door and open it. I back up and grab my gun that I had set on the ground. I take aim at the figure and shakily say, "Are you okay? Who are you? Show your face!" The person starts to chuckle, then they raise their head. I see a familiar face, though not a happy one. I growl and narrow my eyes when I recognize Zach.

"What are you doing here? Where are my friends?" I yell, my  voice wavering. He is holding his arm, blood running down it. "You don't need to worry about it. Though I will say," He takes a step towards me. "They didn't put up much of a fight." He removes his hand holding his other arm and I see that he was hiding something. He throws it at my feet and I drop my gun in shock. Laying at my feet is Jon's mask, covered in blood. I look up at Zach, fear running through my body. I let out a shaky breath and ask him,

"What did you do?"

(A/N) ***Hero-of-Ghosts has left the storyroom***

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