Chapter 13.

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"Drew." Luke says under his huffing from all the kissing that had just happened. I nodded at the call of my name. I motioned for the tall, skinny, blonde to speak what was on his mind. "You know you don't have to do this right?" 

That's when I let my body take over. It was time for me to show him the passion I had for him. This moment was inevitable. I put my small hands on his warm cheeks and pulled his face closer to mine. Then I decided to speak:

"What if I told you I wanted this to happen." 

"I would let it." I smiled greatly at his reply and he forcefully pushed his lips back on mine. It felt weird having a kissing session in the middle of the sidewalk in the city of L.A. but in another life it was the most beautiful moment that could be experienced. I decided that was enough kissing for now, and pulled back from Luke. I raised my fingers and touched my lips, as soon as I did I felt a small tingle spread across both my bottom and top lip.

"Too much kissing?" Luke asked me copying the motion that I was doing. 

"Not at all." I laughed. I was starting to feel a bit confused because Luke could have any girl and he's here with me. I felt as if I should ask him but I didn't want to ruin the moment, therefore I decided against it. 

"Should I text Annie and tell her to come and get me, because if you want me to leave I would totally understand I don't want to annoy you." I explain to him.

"Drew, seriously stop. If you annoyed me I would tell you." He said. "And for the record, I'm giving you a ride home." 

"No really it's-" I began. 

"I'm giving you a ride." He interrupted. I didn't argue any further. I felt my phone vibrate and I picked it out of my pocket.

"Nine thirty!" I shouted. "My mom is going to kill me!" 

"Well then we better haul ass." Luke said grabbing my arm and running. I tried to keep up with his pace but he had much longer legs then me. "The car is just around the corner!" He tells me and I see it right ahead. He unlocked the doors and I hopped in as did he. When we were settled he put the key in the ignition and turned it. Blink 182 blared through the car and he sped out of the parking spot. 

"Okay now turn down this ro-" 

"I know where you live Drew." He interrupted once more. 

"You know you shouldn't interrupt it's quite rude." I jokingly tell him. 

"And you shouldn't apologize every five seconds it's quite annoying." I shook my head at his response and looked out the window. "Drew you know I'm kidding right." I didn't reply, I figured I would have some fun with him and fake being angry with him. "Drew I'm really sorry I didn't mean to hu-" 

"Gotcha." I said after kissing his cheek. He turned toward me and laughed. 

"You know you shouldn't interrupt people it's quite rude." He tells me. I couldn't help but laugh, everything he did made me smile, the way his fingers tapped the steering wheel as he drove, the way he squints his eyes when he sings to the lyrics of a song. I didn't have a care in the world whilst sitting in this car with Luke. 

"Here we are." Luke says. 

"Thank you so much I can't even express how grate-" He cut me off by pressing his lips to mine once more. 

"That was a much nicer way of interrupting me." I tell him. "I'll text you, yah?" 

He nodded and I exited the vehicle making sure to wish him good-bye. I slowly walked up the stairs and Luke drove off as soon as I opened the door to my house. As I walked through I heard my mom in the kitchen. 

"Hi Mom." I say as I jump around the corner. She didn't reply, I started to worry. "Mom?" 

"Where have you been Drew?" 

"I was with Luke, I told you I was going on a date with him last night." I started shaking because I didn't tell her. 

"You most certainly did not Drew Ellis." When my mother said my full name it was never good. 

"I'm sorry I thought I had told you, it wasn't even that big of a deal, we just went to pizza and walked for a bit." I started to raise my voice.

"You walked around this late at night? Are you serious Drew, you know how I feel about that." She started raising her voice as well. 

"I was with Luke I'm fine, stop worrying about me." I started to walk away at this point.

"I worry about you because you're so immature for your age." 

"Are you fucking serious, you have no right to call me immature. If you claim the right to call me immature I have the right to call you a bitch." 

"Give me your phone and you're not seeing this boy anymore." 

"He has a name and it's Luke and good have the fucking phone but you can't stop me from seeing Luke!" I'm done with her taking everything I love away from me, it's beyond ridiculous. 

"Oh I can't? I am your mother I tell you wrong from right." 

"But you can't tell Collin? Collin does whatever the hell he wants he's never even home he's always off with his girlfriend, getting cross faded, or at lacrosse, but I'm out late one night and you treat me like a child, I am not I am seventeen." I was screaming incredibly loud, my head was pounding and I couldn't stand, I was cursing so much at my mother, I felt horrible but I just could not take this anymore. 

"Your brother still manages to get good grades and he is eighteen I no longer have control over him. No more Luke or phone, if you ask I will home school you." She walked to her room as she said that. 

I fell to the floor and cried, she always treats me like this every time I'm happy. I slowly made my way up my stairs and cried. My head was pounding as well as ringing, and my stomach felt like it was going to explode. I haven't cried like this since my father left for the Air-Force when I was ten. I had so much pain and no way to let it out, I decided to crawl to my laptop and face time Lead. 

The ringing seemed to last forever but in reality it only lasted for a short amount of time. He picked up and automatically asked what was wrong. I explained to him everything that had happened and he said he was on his way over. 

Within twelve minutes Lead was at my front door.

"Hey." I said wiping my nose on my oversized sweatshirt. Lead didn't say anything, he opened his arms and hugged me. I began crying once more. 

"It isn't fair. I didn't mean to upset her I just got ahead of myself." I told him. 

"I know it's okay Drew, everything will turn over I promise, let's go upstairs okay?" I nodded in his chest and we walked upstairs. 

I sat on the end of my bed with Lead right beside me. 

"I'm so tired of her, I can't take it anymore. Eventually I'm just going to crack Lead I swear."

"Now that's what it feels like but I promise you, everything will be okay, you'll get to see Luke again I know it." I felt as if Lead knew the perfect thing to say no matter what the situation. 

"Thanks a lot Lead." 

"You're welcome Drew." 

That's all I remember until the next morning when I woke up in Lead's arms.

a/n: okay so i decided i should update two days in a row because i haven't updated in quite some time. i hope this chapter is okay because it's mainly dialogue and sometimes those are the boring chapters. well anyways please comment/vote it would mean a lot! thank you so much for reading!


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