Chapter 5.

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quick note: so for the people who were reading this before, i decided to change "reed's" name into "ellie" because i wanted to relate it to a couple of people in my actual life. thank you for reading (: xx

~Drew's POV~

Is he looking at me? No. "Luke!" A girl shouted from across the circle. Luke's eyes shot away from mine as the brunette waved for his attention. I wanted to walk over there and rip her hair out. I shouldn't be thinking so violently, I mean Luke isn't even my boyfriend, I don't even know him personally. 

"Lukey!" She kept screaming. "Lucas!" She screamed even louder. I was known to have a short temper and then:

"Shut the fuck up!" I screamed at her. I covered my mouth, it was completely silent. She was stunned and gave me a hideous look. I slowly backed up out of the big group of girls, I felt humiliated, why did I do that? 

I pushed through the rest of the crowd until I finally made it back to the car. I was panting by the time I had reached it. I hadn't even realized I was running. I leaned against the car and slowly downward sitting on the ground. Luke must think I'm pathetic. I heard the music start up again, I knew there would be some fuss on twitter tonight. 

I debated with myself on whether or not I should return to the concert. I decided against it, I will just wait til Ellie comes back. Or call my mom. No I'll just wait my mom will ask too many questions. After maybe fifteen minutes Ellie comes jogging towards me. 

"Are you alright?" She asks with guilt in her eyes. I nod. 

"I feel so stupid." I rested my head on my knees. 

"Luke smiled." My head shot up.


"Luke smiled, Drew, right after you said that." She said laughing. You've got to be kidding me, what is up with this kid. "I think he's into a certain someone." She claims.

"I honestly doubt it." I smile. She puts her hand out to help me up, I gladly except it. She pulls me up and we hop in the car. I put my hands in front of the heater and rub them together really fast. 

"I can't believe you told that girl off." Ellie says hitting the steering wheel lightly. "You should have stayed, do you know who that was? That was Lacy Bradley." She told me. I gasped.

"Nuh-uh, really?" I laughed. "I don't feel so bad anymore..but I still feel bad." I stated once more.

"Dude, have you not heard the things she says and does?" 

"I know but, I still feel like it was wrong." The ache in my stomach started to form again. Even though Lacy supposedly tried to ruin each fandom and has done many other horrid things I really hope Luke doesn't think I'm immature, I just couldn't help myself. I really need to control my emotions. 

"Calm down Drew you'll be fine, you're the only one who really has stuck up to her face. Everyone on twitter just talks shit behind her back and blocks her." I nodded in agreement. Still isn't helping, I'm the type of person that feels bad for everything no matter who it is. 

My phone was buzzing from all the boys tweeting, including One Direction. But one tweet in particular stuck out to me, it was Luke. 

Luke Hemmings (@Luke5SOS):
well then, haha 

Oh shit. Why do I feel as if every tweet is directed towards me. I just need to get home and rest, I have the worst headache in the universe right now.

We finally turned down the road to my house. When we arrived at my house I hopped out of the car, grabbed my bags and said good-bye to Ellie. I walked strait to my room and laid on my bed, I turned on my laptop and went on twitter. There were so many tweets about what had happened at the concert. People were saying I was the girl of the year and I was getting followers by the minute but others were unfollowing and calling me a "bitch" or "phsyco", I just ignored those. After three hours of sitting in my room doing homework, reading, and writing, I realized I hadn't eaten a proper meal all day. 

I slowly walked down the stairs, my mom wasn't home because she worked night shifts at the local hospital. When I got to the kitchen I decided to make a pizza. I turned the oven to 350 and waited for it to heat. I leaned against the counter while eating some oreos and my phone went off. No more tweets Luke, not now. 

Luke Hemmings (@Luke5SOS):
to da moon

I set my phone down and put my head in my hands. That boy is slowly killing me. 

"You okay?" I hear a deep voice come from behind me. 

"Holy shit!" I screamed. I turned to see Lead standing in the hallway to the kitchen. 

"What the hell?!" I pushed him. "I almost had a heart attack." He laughed at me. 

"I came here to surprise you." He says. 

"Why?" I asked him trying not to sound crude. 

"Because it's your birthday, and I knew your mom wasn't home so I called her and asked her if I could come over." He told me. I looked at the clock, 12:30 am. "I wasn't expecting you to be awake but here you are." He smiles. Ugh I couldn't be mad at him, he was my best friend. 

"Come here." I said motioning him to give me a hug. "One question." I stated pulling away from his hug. He nodded. "How the hell did you get in my house?" I asked laughing. 

"You left the front door unlocked." 

"Of course." I nodded. After about ten minutes of talking the pizza was finally ready to put in. Tomorrow is going to be a long day, or should I say today. Happy Birthday to me. 

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