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Angy's POV.

My name is: Angy Zoet Morrizon
Known as: Angy Morizon
I am 24 years old and i am a only child. I live at Las Vegas with my patents, but i barely see my dad since he work 2 jobs to pay our bills and my college. One of dad job as Federal Agent and other as private Agent. I am a fan of Toni Mahfud Arts. I love Skrillex music. I like to draw and sing. I also like to take pictures of everything. I am at a Art College and is very late for me to finish my Graphic Desing Degree. I am getting old fast. But well... I am a loner i don't like friends. I have some on facebook but is not like we are such a great friends. I had a best friend when i was lil since. I got 15 she died with cancer so i decided not to have close friends ever again.

Angy!- mom

Coming!- me

Hurry up you are late again- mom

I walked down stairs as i put on my jacket and slide in my boots. I grabbed my back pack and left home.

God bless you sweety. See you in the night- mom

I drove away and she got in her car...

Yes mom is a sweet woman she work at a hotel as manager. She is very nice to people and she is always trying to make everyone get to their destinations on time. She is great cooker, great mom and great wife.

*At Uni*

Is all for today class. And remember to go somewhere to get the inspiration you need to draw guys. The exposision will start on monday at the art gallery i told you. The winner will get a $1,000 price plus your draw will be on next year calendar.- Profesor Thomas

I smile and walked out the class room... Its been a while since the last time i got inspired while drawing. But i know exactly what i will draw... Toni Mahfud his a perfect inspiration.

Toni's POV.

Here is something about me:

Real name: Toni Gabriel Mahfud
Artist, Photographer, Model, and bloger...
I am 22 years old. I am a German boy. I like dogs. I am abit shy. People say i am gay cause they never see me dating girls since i am very private with my relationships. I love my fans. I have a bro who's name is: Jan Mahfud i live in LA. I like danger i am always in high places. I also like to be alone to think. I love to travel. I am very silly when i am bored. I like eating alot.

Toni!- Jan calls

Yes!- i answer as he walk into my room where i am drawing

Bro i will go skateboarding you ok staying alone?- Jan asked

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Bro i will go skateboarding you ok staying alone?- Jan asked

Yes! Is fine go do your thing- I said keeping drawing

My Hot Stalker- Toni MahfudWhere stories live. Discover now