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he grabbed me and kissed me while i moved my hand with the cigarette in it so i wouldn't burn him away. we made out for a few seconds before he pulled away, sparking a cigarette also.
"there's another party tonight. you up for it?" he asked as he bit his lip ring which turned me on so much.
"yeah." i laughed and turned on it's always sunny in philly and decided to go out and get breakfast. we got into my car and i drove towards the place while he placed his hand on my thigh causing me to relax and realize how lucky i was to meet him.  
we walked in and got a seat outside by the ocean and sat down. It was really nice outside so we didn't mind, plus you could smoke out here if you wanted. i pulled my hair into a bun and the lady came up to us.
"hello, what can i get to drink for y'all?" her southern accent stuck out as she asked.
"can i get a PBR and a water?" i said knowing it was too early for a beer but i needed it.
"same but without the water." luke laughed and handed her the drink menus.
we ordered our food shortly after and kept talking about each other.
"i'm so glad i met you luke." i sighed.
"me too, your pretty amazing." he smiled and kissed me before leaving the money and tip. i grabbed my keys and beer before grabbing his hand with my free hand and holding it as we walked to my car.

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