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i woke up wearing someone's shirt and no pants. was i in my house? i don't remember much from last night so i checked my phone and clicked my photos.
there were hella videos of parties.
oh shit. i had a giant headache so i went up and got some advil. i look on my couch and see fuck!! what's his name...luke? i met him on the roof i think. he was passed out on the couch shirtless and i set down two motrin on the counter and went sat down on the couch putting a cigarette in between my lips and sparking it while it was only 7 am. i groaned as a loud banging went through the house. i walked to the door and opened accidentally blowing the smoke in the persons face.
"fuck.sorry!" i mumbled and saw ashton.
"hey ash." i mumbled and saw him look over at luke.
"hey, i just came by to get my wallet? can you grab it? it's on the table over there." he said and i went over and grabbed it. he looked a little..annoyed?
"hey, are you okay?" i whispered as i walked outside and he looked at me.
"yeah, thanks for answering my calls last night." he mumbled and got in his car and left. i sighed and gave up before going back inside.
"hey babe." a sexy raspy voice filled my ears.
"good morning." i smirked.

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