Ch. 1

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Hi! so this is the first chapter. I hope you like it! Please vote, and I'll be replying to comments. Also, you could follow/tweet me on twitter: abstyles21 

"Cal!" I hear Harry's voice calling to me over all the others in the yard. He sounds angry. He wasn't meant to be home so early. He told me he would be at the library studying. I believe his exact words were 'Can you not be quiet for more than 5 seconds, Jesus.' and then my reply was 'If you can hear Jesus talking to you, you should probably check yourself into a mental hospital.' to which he said 'its you that is driving me mental! I'm going to the library for the night.'

"Harry!" I call, rather animatedly. He is just making it through the doorway, but its like he can smell the liquor wafting from the back garden. One of the many perks of sharing a 3 bedroom apartment off campus is that you can throw a rip roaring party without campus police getting their nosey butts into it. "You're home early." I smiled, attempting to usher him back out the door. "I'm sure the library is still open, you could probably squeeze in a few more hours of studying."

"Jesus, how much have you been drinking?" He questioned, wincing away from my body.

"Again with the Jesus?" I said. "I've lived with you for over a year now, my name is Cal. I know you've got a lot of lady friends, but at least remember my name. It's easy, ok? Say it with me. Cal..." I said slowly, waiting for him to join in.

"Cal!" Niall calls my name from the back door. "Will you grab me a beer from the fridge?" He asked. He didnt give me a chance to answer, nor give Harry a chance to direct even the slightest amount of anger at him.

"You two are having a party?" He asked even though it is fairly obvious.

"It's just a few friends getting together." I say in an attempt to downplay the party that is happening outside right now.

"We agreed, no partys." Harry says, angrily. He rubs his forehead, something he does when he is angry, or stressed, or upset, or.. anytime he is in the same room as me, really.

"I said no. It was Niall's idea." I decide to fall back on my last resort. Blame Niall. Most times its his fault, so it wont make a difference if I divert Harry's anger to Niall anyways.

"And I'm supposed to believe you had no say in this?"

"Yeah." I wait for him to continue with his scolding, to go on about the big test he has in class tomorrow but he doesn't.

Instead, he said "I need a drink."

It isn't very often that Harry indulges himself on a weeknight. Strictly Friday and Saturday nights. On those nights he will venture out to the bars with niall and I and whoever else we can gather up, but he never leaves with us. He'll spend the first hour building his roster, as niall calls it. He will meet girls, woo them into giving him their phone number and then saving it for when he needs a romp during the week. The roster is exclusive to only the most attractive females. The second hour is always dedicated to his mates. The next half hour is then used to scope out the 'hottest' prey to bring home for the night, and then an hour to scoring the chick. Sometimes less if he is really on his game.

I jump at the opportunity to get myself out of trouble with harry and dash to the fridge to get him a beer. I know that tomorrow, my classes are the opposite of harry. While he will be at the house, I will be in class, but niall, on the other hand, has 1 class tomorrow meaning he will be here all day with harry, forced into helping clean the inevitable mess and listen to Harry's constant complaining.

After handing harry the beer he makes his way down the hall, making a pit stop at his room. He drops his bag in the room and shuts the door again. When he finally gets to the end of the hall and looks outside his hand clenches into a fist. He takes a deep breath and steps through the threshold.


There's no seats. I want to sit down, everything is spinning. I should have held off on that last drink. Niall and harry are sitting on the deck being thoroughly entertained by a blonde bimbo stumbling around in heels on the grass. I walk slowly up the steps, being careful not to topple over. Niall is currently acting as a resting spot for his girlfriend and my best friend, Hanna, but harry seems to be taking a night off. It's well into his third hour and he doesn't have a girl drooling over him yet.

The party is winding down, niall and hanna are sitting in a chair on the deck, accompanied by harry and a few others. A few random party goers are scattered around the grass, but most of them seem to be preparing to leave I think.

I make it onto the deck with harry, Hanna and niall unscathed and upright. I plop down onto Harry's lap because of the lack of seats, which I will be dealing with tomorrow. He grunts at the sudden weight placed on him.

"Well hello to you too." Harry said softly.

"Mmm" I hum in response. Now that I am off my feet I feel sleepy. Maybe it's that harry is warm compared to the brisk fall air, or the alcohol-probably the latter. I lean back against his chest.

"Tired?" He asks. I nod my head, slowly, letting my eyes drift shut. "Want to go to bed?"

"No." I adjust myself so I am sitting sideways in Harry's lap. I nestle my head into the crook of his neck. He doesn't do anything to stop me so I stay like this till I fall asleep.


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