Ch. 2

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yaay. chapter 2 :) I hope you like it! please vote/comment & let me know what you think. I also have twitter. abstyles21

Opening my eyes was somewhat of a struggle. The stupid sun is shining brightly through my curtains. I remember falling asleep on harry last night, but he must have coerced me to my room which would explain me still wearing the clothes from last night.

There is a bottle of Water and Tylenol beside my bed and I take them. I don't know how they got there, nor do I care.

Lightheaded and dizzy, I make my way out to the kitchen where I can smell bacon cooking.

Hanna is in the kitchen. She is wearing very short shorts and a shirt that I know to be Nialls.

"Morning." She says. I will always be jealous of her lack of hangovers. That type of power shouldn't be wasted on someone who doesn't drink like me.

"I wish you would stop doing that." I say, sitting down on a stool at the kitchen. I rest my forehead on my arms, blocking the stupid sunlight.

"Doing what?"

"Sleeping with niall." I state. It's so gross to think about the two of them together. She should be as repulsed by him as me, not turned on by it.

"He's my boyfriend, cal." She laughs. A tinge of embarrassment creeps up to her cheeks.

I make a puking sound and she rolls her eyes.

"Are you going to have any of this before the boys get back? They went for a run."

"A run!? Am I the only one who suffers from hangovers now a days!?" I cry. My own voice makes me wince.

"You're the only one who drinks to an excess. You passed out last night and only woke up long enough for harry to help you to bed." She dishes out bacon, eggs, and a piece of toast and sets it in front of me. "You missed your first class too." She informed me as she sits on the stool beside me.

"Why didn't anyone wake me!?"

"I was going to, but harry advised us not to. He said 'she's cranky enough when she's hungover, it's only going to add to it if we wake her up.'" She held her hands up in front of her in defense.

As Hanna and I finished up our breakfast two very sweaty boys burst through the front foor. Harry was laughing at something stupid that Niall was saying while wiping the excess sweat from his face with the bottom of his shirt.

"Morning, ladies." Niall greets. He pecked Hanna on her expecting lips before stealing some of the scraps off her plate.

"Hi." Hanna smiled sweetly at Niall.

"Hi." He smiled back, pecking a few more kisses to her lips.

"I'm going to be sick." I groan. It was a half lie. I was partly referencing to the revolting PDA currently happening before me and the other part was due to my hangover.


Nearly a week had passed since my horrid hangover. I had sworn off drinking for the rest of my life, of course, that had only lasted till a few hours ago when Hanna 'convinced' me to go out with her and a group of girls from her class. It didnt really take much convincing. It was more along the lines of 'Why don't you join us?' and my reply was 'You've twisted my arm. I guess I dont really have a choice.'

"He is totally checking me out." Molly says, digging her fingernails into my arm. Molly is one of Hanna's annoying friends. I should never have agreed on coming out with Hanna and her friends. 

I remove my arm from her death grip and inspect the damage. She nearly drew blood. 

"Is he still looking?" She asked, pushing her hair out of her face, and pushing her boobs practically up to her neck. 

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