Mind Games

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"Mikako, Would you mind fetching me a net? I'm making a fish trap." Sugata called to Mikako from the river but got no response back.

"Mikako?" Sugata got up off his knees and walked over to his tent.

He was met with an empty tent as he looked around and noticed his special dive device was on. Sugata hit a button on the device and watched as a bright portal opened before him. He reluctantly sighed and stepped forward to enter it.

"Oh, Mikako. What have you done this time?" Sugata set a timer and walked inside the bright portal.

Fire, flames, a broken world of chaos. The sound of gunfire could be heard echoing around everywhere. Sugata ran quickly behind cover to stay safe when an exotic convertible car pulled up next to him.

"Get in." Mikako hissed.

Sugata quickly jumped in the back seat right next to her.

"What the hell are you doing, Mikako?" Sugata asked, not even phased.

"Oh relax, Guardian and I are having some fun." Mikako loaded an assault rifle with a fresh magazine.

"Guardian?" Sugata looked to me in the drivers seat, remembering Mikako wasn't driving at all.

I was covered tactically from head to toe. Ski goggles, a gas mask, two large chrome pistols and a combat knife all buckled on securely for our little excursion.

"Take the wheel." My voice changer altered.

Mikako immediately came forth and grabbed the wheel. I jumped off our moving car onto the back of an enemy pickup truck. A soldier tried shooting his rifle up at me but I pushed it up as he unloaded his clip. I cracked my fist against his face and threw his gun off the truck. I pulled out my dual pistols before the rest of the soldiers and fired two bullets into each of them, dropping my empty mags to immediately reload afterwards. I punched through the back window of the pickup and broke the door window with the drivers face. I quickly jumped back onto Mikako's car and watched as the truck swerved and rolled until it exploded.

"This is extremely dangerous, Mikako. You could die in here." Sugata leaned forward.

"We know what we're doing." Mikako lifted her rifle with the hand she wasn't driving with and fired it through the windshield into an enemy barricade.

"I wasn't talking about you two." Sugata ducked more trying to avoid shrapnel and crossfire.

Bullets start hitting all over the side of the car as we drifted onto another road. Two black Humvee's tailed close behind us attempting to take out the back tires of our car.

"We're being followed." I alerted Mikako through my voice changer.

"They're all yours." She didn't let up on the gas.

I aimed my pistols at both of the drivers faces and unloaded each mag into the windshields. I watched them both crash into rubble and broken pieces of the city.

"I'm sorry Mikako, but your playtime is over." Sugata calmly instructed as the portal opened behind him.

"Oh? So soon?" Mikako looked back at him.

"Go, I will finish up here." I climbed to the front and took the wheel from her.

Sugata and Mikako left into the portal. It closed behind them, leaving me alone for a short time. Bullets flew past my face from a barricade ahead. I crushed the pedal to the floor and waited. A bullet briefly grazed my arm but I ignored it and prepared to bail fast. I let off the gas, tapped the breaks and pulled the E brake before jumping right out. I watched the car drift into the barricade and explode, killing the last of the enemy soldiers. The portal opened up behind me and I watched for a few seconds more as the barricade burned. Then I walked into the portal.

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