Fight or Flight

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"Your lordship. What should we do now?" A boy whispered as we were close to the girls base.

"We will spread out and watch our enemy. We have the element of surprise. Do not attack until I signal to." I ordered.

I stood behind a tree and peeked to see the girls activity. I noticed we were just in front of their base. They must already know about our arrival, I had made quite the scene with Astrea. One of my legion snuck up to me and held a communicator to my face.

"Their numbers are still large, your highness." Tomoki whispered into the mic on his end.

"Then you better hope you can fi-" I watched a group of scared girls starting to run up to the base.

"Targets on our rear. Take them out but keep it quiet, we don't want to draw any unnecessary attention." I ordered.

Surely enough as I gave the order, the running girls were silently taken down by a few snowballs. I snatched the communicator from the boys hand.

"If it helps you fight, then you may capture any girl you like as prisoners. For now. Good luck, my legion." My entire army charged to the enemy base with snowballs in hand.

Every guard we faced outside of the base we took down with ease. We charged into the base and knocked down the entire wall they set up. Sohara was at the helm this time. This explained why they were not attacking us right away. Sohara was startled to see her wall and her army fall so easily.

"I am not here to fight you, Sohara. That honor rests on another." I spoke as Tomoki stepped out of the crowd.

"Tomoki." Sohara hissed from her throne.

"Pleasure to see you again, Miss Sohara." Tomoki gave a sarcastic bow.

Ikaros, and Nymph stepped out from behind Sohara's throne.

"What do we do my lord?" A boy screamed so the army could hear.

"Cover our backs, we won't stop fighting until we win." The boys were filled with determination.

Sohara snapped her fingers.

"Nymph." Sohara readied herself to watch a battle unfold.

Sohara seemed to be taking this seriously as well, something I was not expecting. Nymph stepped forward and readied to fight me while I walked almost right up to her and also readied myself too. I started to fabricate my sword but I had a different plan in mind. Nymph noticed me cancel my summon and she hesitated mysteriously.

"You'd be better off with your sword in this fight." Nymph knew this wasn't role play anymore.

"That may be true, but I'm not too concerned." I cracked my knuckles.

Nymph chuckled and lunged at me. She threw as many punches as she could at me but I blocked her tiny fists. Nymph sent a kick to my chest which knocked me down. She attempted to pounce on me but I kicked her up into the air. I hopped up and flew in front of her but she inherently dropped to the ground. I stayed flapping my wings waiting for her to do what she does best. Nymph charged up till her mouth started glowing and I just watched intently with a smirk.

"Paradise Song!" Nymph screamed before a beam of light fired straight at me.

I just turned and raised a wing. The beam engulfed me, hindering my ability to see around me but it soon dissipated. I moved my wing and still saw Nymph below who was now out of breath.

"No way! How did you survive that?" She was dumbfounded. 

I just chuckled.

"Nymph." Sohara called Nymph back.

She landed and glared at me before storming off back to Sohara's side. 

"Ikaros." Sohara hissed mostly at me.

Ikaros stepped forward and changed her eyes to battle mode. I chuckled a bit again.

"You'll have to do better than that." I fabricated my sword in my hand.

Ikaros fabricated her bow, Artemis and went to knock an arrow. When I realized that I was at a range disadvantage, I opted a different fighting style.

"Spar with me." I stabbed my sword, Soul, into the snow.

Ikaros looked at her bow and stabbed the end of it into the snow too

"Variable wing safety removed." Ikaros transformed into her Uranus queen mode.

She looked at me with a determined face and flew at me. Ikaros threw many fast punches at me and they were seemingly just as fast as mine. I blocked every single punch she gave until I saw a window to move in. I caught her fist, pulled it down and brought my knuckles to her face. Ikaros flew back into a tree and fell down in the snow. Ikaros got up but her Uranus Queen eyes were still active and angry.

I sprung forward and punched Ikaros high up into the air. She steadied herself and hovered, not moving her glowing wings. I jumped up in front of her to instantly started to throw more punches at Ikaros but she started to block some. I flew back and she followed. Ikaros was giving it all that she had but it still wasn't quite enough. I slapped her fists and feet away many times as she attacked. I grabbed her leg with both of my hands and was sure I could throw her if I needed to. I looked up to Ikaros to show her she could not move but she brought her fist hard across my cheek. I threw her back and dropped down to the ground. Ikaros followed and landed in front of me. I gave a bad smile as I wiped the blood away from my mouth with the back of my glove.

"You struck me..." My voice was normal again.

Ikaros looked worried like she had hurt me bad. Unfortunately, she most certainly had.

"You knocked out my tooth, you bitch!" My rage took over and made me scream my innermost thoughts of fury.

I started shaking the ground beneath my feet as I opened my wings wide and levitated into the air without flapping. I shot Ikaros a look that she absolutely hated and she put her Uranus Queen mode on standby.

"Guardian, Stop. You are not like this." Ikaros shouted calmly.

I gave her a look of confusion.

"We are all tempted into evil but you have the power to choose." Ikaros started to break into tears.

"I was built for the sole purpose of destroying. I can still feel the evil in my core every time I change into this mode, but I know that evil will only divide me from myself. My core always hurts when I change because I know it is not right. Destruction is all I know, and I choose to live without it!" Ikaros cried.

I geared down and the ground stopped shaking. I disengaged and landed lightly on the ground as I walked towards her.

"We all have this evil inside us, Ikaros. Without it, you couldn't protect yourself and the ones you love. You weren't built for the sole purpose of destroying, you were built to learn, thrive and play just as we do." I explained as her eyes changed to peaceful.

"The day I laid my eyes on you, I knew I would do anything to keep you safe. Even if that meant abandoning my mortality." I was about to stop in front of Ikaros when my ears started to distort.

"You're... my... destiny..." I tried to ignore it but it became impossible.

I fell to my knees and started to scream in pain. My eyes flashed red again because of how much it hurt. I felt a pain in my head that I could not endure, and everything went black.

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