chapter 6

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Harry's pov

I finally get down the end of the hallway to find a room, which was embroidered with the name 'Daisy' in frobt of it in big green letters. I knock on the door quitely, I could hear the sound of her tiny feet running through the room. "One second," I hear her yell.

About 2 seconds later Daisy opens the door to reveal her in just a towel. "Sorry can you just wait here for a couple minutes, why I find some clothes, that noise scared the freaks out of me," she says trying to hide behind the door. "Yeah I heard you scream, thats why I came up here," I say. " You don't need to hide behind the door you know, Im not going to judge your body because its perfect," I contiune, earning an instint blush to appear on her beautiful cheeks.

"I'm not perfect, im far from it" she says closing the door. I stop the door from closing with my foot and didn't waist no time before speaking."Daisy you are perfect don't let anyone tell you otherwise," I say with a smile. she didn't say anything before closing the door gently as I moved my foor out of the way.

I walk across the hallway and slide down the wall before sitting on the ground. I take out my phone to see I had afew facebook messages and Like 50 facebook friend requests.  I scroll down the list to see that they are all from the kids at school. I'm guessing I've made quite  an impact at school. I only really changed for one person and that one person is only across the hall from me and I'm at her house. So I guess my plan worked. hopefully.

Dasies Pov

Awh! I can't believe he called me perfect.

Stop Daisy his just Harry you don't like him. You have a boyfriend remember.

Yeah my boyfriend is the captain of the football team. His name is Dan, his a super cute, hotty with shaggy blonde hair. He is like perfection,  his nothing compared to Harry.

I finish putting my clothes on which consist of blue, green and white shorts with a white tank top. I didnt bother wearing shoes. I don't think in going any where for awhile.

"Harry, you can come in now, im dressed," I say, opening the door to see a concentrating Harry sitting on the ground, his back resting on the door across from mine. "Okay," he said with a smile.

I walk back into my bedroom, I watch Harry walk into my room studying his surroundings l, before slamming into the couch on the far side on my room. He fell straight onto the soft couch making me laugh.

"Hey, when did this couch get here," he says moving into a more comfortable position, laying on his side leaning on his elbow.

"Oh my god, Harry you make me laugh," I laugh getting up from where I was to go and sit on the other small couch, which is located next to the couch Harry is on.

"So I was watching the news before and they said there's a tropical storm about to hit the town and they are making everyone stay in doors until the storm passes," Harry informs me. "Oh wow, is that what I heard before, thunder?" I ask him. "Yeah, are you fine with that? I mean they said the strom could last days,"he tells me. "Yeah im fine with it, I just have to ring my sister and make sure she's okay," I tell him, grabbing my phone off the little table next to my chair and dial my sisters number.

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