Chapter: 6 Face The Consequenses

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Stein's POV

I passed back and forth between my room and the main part of the house. It has been about three days since Anne ran off.

I have asked Lord Death if she is still in the city. He said she was but he will not give me her location. I sighed and punched my wall creating a few more cracks to be stitched in later.

I looked around a but and smirked. I could always go see if her classmates know where she
is. I went to Black*Star and Tsubaki's first. I knocked on the door and had to dodge Black*Star as he lunged at me.

"Black*Star I do not have the time nor the patience right now." I said and looked at Tsubaki. "Do you know where Anne has ran off to? She disappeared after our mission a few days ago." I said.

thought for a minute and looked at me. "No I am really sorry Professor, but I have no idea where she might have gone. But you will find her don't worry too much," she said with a small warm smile.

I nodded and looked at her. I grabbed Black*Star by his face. I looked at him. "No wonder why you do not get any visitors you think you have to challenge them every chance you get." I said and threw him into the air where he fell back
down and I roundhouse kicked him into a nearby tree. "Good day Tsubaki." I said.

She smiled and waved before leaving black*Star where he lay.
I walked off to the next person's house. I knocked on their door and got the same answer. I sighed as I walked off to Maka and Soul's apartment.

I knocked on their door where Maka opened it for me and Soul sat on the couch. He looked down and appeared to be petting something.
"Blair sure has calmed down quite a bit lately." he said and Maka nodded. "Well... She isn't in heat as she was." she said and looked at me. "What is it professor?" she asked. "Have you seen Anne? She disappeared a few days ago and I have grown terribly worried." I said. She nodded and looked at Soul. He just shrugged.

"Alright you two are terrible liars. Anne get off the couch." I said. She sat up and I looked at Maka. "Lying to your teacher? I should have your grade marked down. Or even better yet a mission revoked." I said
with a smirk. "You can do whatever you would like to my grade and school reputation. But Anne is a friend of mine. I am sure she would do the same to me. She came here because she did not know what you would do." she said. I looked at Anne and she looked down.

Soul poked her and Anne looked up. "Soul let's leave them alone." Maka said and they walked off.
I stepped in and closed the door behind me. Anne stood and looked at me. I walked over a bit and she kept her distance. "Anne you know me well enough now to know that I will not hurt you." I said. "But yet you would when I removed a little part of your stitches." She said
and walked off to the kitchen a bit. She turned and looked at me as she got some water.

"Anne I told you I was sorry about
that." I said. She looked down and
examined the sink. "Anne will you look at me?" I asked and walked over and moved her to look at me. She was looking at my chest and I sighed. I brought her to look at me. Before I could say or do anything
she pushed herself away from me.
I grabbed her wrist and she looked at me.

"Why must you run from me? Am I that intimidating?" I took a breath. "Anne know that i will never do anything to hurt you. I promise you that." I said. She looked at me and nodded. "Can we go home now?" I asked. She nodded and we walked to the living room Soul and Maka
were waiting and she walked over and Maka hugged her.

She said something and Anne just nodded. She looked over to Soul and they just shared a fist bump.
She turned and began to walk outside. I followed and since it was dark I grabbed her hand in case. She looked at me. "what are you doing?" She asked. "Making sure
that if we get ambushed we will not have a problem." I said. She nodded and looked at me. Sounds more like you just want to
hold my hand.

"I heard that." I said and she looked down. We got home soon after
and she went to her room. I sat on my computer and sighed. Now that she was home and safe I can actually get some work done. I do not know what it is that makes me worry and care about her so much. but I do not know if I like it or not
but I am sure that with time I will learn to love it along with her. Or maybe yet. That Is why I feel like this. Love is the cause. Why does the person I love have to be my
weapon and my student?

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