Chapters 32- 34

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Chapter Thirty-Two

They ran threw as fast as possible on the horse. They were almost at the castle when an arrow shot down their horse. They jumped out and ran. They avoided arrows and people. When they got inside the castle they ordered the door shut and locked as tight as they could be. That held off the mob. They then ran all the way to the dungeon and locked up Annabella temporarily. When the mob finally got threw the gates and to the dungeon, Tony was ready. "Hello citizens of this town. You are very loyal and needed. This girl does not need to be killed by you. I am the one to take care of it. Did she steel anything from any of you?" Tony began. The crowd was silent at his point."Exactly. This girl behaves. She is locked up in here for the rest of today and if you want to kill her, hand over your weapons and get in an unlocked prison cell. I will not have an angry mob killing any person who is different. Not even if they have magical powers. She is the profficy. She just saved us all. Please let her be and get on with you regular lives. I am sure the king will want to speak to you about this," and the mob was no longer angry but they were ashamed.

Chapter Thirty-Three

After the day was over, Annabella was allowed out. The mob left her alone but something wasn't right. She went to find Tony and she found him in his bed sick. His parents were there crying. "What's the matter?" Anna asked with sympathy. "He got sick and he might not make it through the night," the king said while holding the crying queen. Anna didn't know what she felt. She wanted to cry but she wanted to hold Tony's hand but she also felt like some one took a dagger and out it through her heart. She just stood there about to cry. "We will give you two some time together," the king said while escorting his wife outside. "Hey Tony. The mob has finally accepted that I'm different. That is all because of you," Anna started, "I thought you promised that you would never leave me. You know that you said that when you got infected by my mother. I guess I was just never honest with you. I don't know how to say this. I am not as young as you think I am. I was actually part of the kingdom that collapsed. My mother put me in the dungeon because she knew that was one place her plague wouldn't reach. She gave me a bottle with a potion to keep me young. I didn't realize until I met you that I was a decoy. She was using me to draw you in to infect everyone in this kingdom. Loving you is the best thing I have done with my life. When I killed my mother I thought it was over but I guess it's not. It is going to effect every person I love. I am not going to let that happen to you. You may be slipping away but you will drink the last of my potion so you can survive. There is one drop left and it is yours." She then opened his mouth gave him the last of the potion. She kissed him and walked out.

Chapter Thirty-Four

The next day Anna was back to see him. On her way in she saw the doctor and stopped him. "Hey doctor. How is Tony doing?" She asked in concern. "These people wasted my time. One day the boy is sick the next he is not. I don't care if they own the whole flipping town, they can't do this to me. I am too busy to have this happen to me," the doctor responded. Anna then ran to Tony and never thought of anything else. As soon as she saw him she grabbed him and wouldn't let go. He then kissed her. "You saved me. Thank you but I can't afford to loose you," he whispered into her ear. "You won't loose me. The prophecy is true," Anna whispered. Tony leaned in and kissed her. That is when his father walked in. The king cleared his throat as a sign to pay attention. "Son, I understand that the relationship that I put you didn't work out. This time I am going to let you choose. You just need to do that soon. Your mother and I can't be in this job forever while you choose who to marry. So Tony if I could, I would like to talk to you in the hallway," the king told the new couple. Tony walked into the hallway and the king gave his son the passed down jewelry. "Dad I can't take this. With out you and mom having something to replace those," Tony said. He then pulled out a box of the same things but the objects weren't as old. He walked int to find Anna waiting.

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