The Rebuilding Town 1-12

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Chapter One

There was once a magical kingdom with peasants that could afford to buy anything with how much they made. Every year on one day, the whole kingdom would come together and build onto the castle. If it was your birthday on that random day, you laid down one brick and then went home. Each year the king and queen always had some sort of addition to put onto it. If there isn't an addition to the castle then there are a bunch of places that need to be fixed. Not everyone in this town can get a job because of their reputation. The women can't get a job and most kids can get small jobs but if they are caught, they will be killed along with the person who gave them the job. Since many people couldn't get a job, they looked forward to castle building day because it is their one source of money.

Chapter Two

One day, a powerful witch made a potion that the queen had requested. The potion was rushed and became a poison. The witch was then sentenced to build a castle wall all on her own, without any magic. The witch then threatened to curse the whole town. And she refused to build so she was to be executed. Her daughter was in so much shock. The date wasn't for another week. That was when the witch had a plan. She would say the curse that would wipe out everyone in the town one by one and once they are dead, cause their ghosts to also keep building. Even the king and queen's ghosts would build. That would put the witch in charge and make everyone her slave. That was when the daughter said, "Mother, you don't plan in doing this, do you? That would mean that you would be willing to kill your own daughter and make her your slave. You haven't even told me my name. You can't leave me with no name to die and then be under your control for all eternity." That was when the witch said," I understand that. I will follow through with my plan but I will make it so you won't' be under my control and you can live for as long as you want. Or at least until the anti age potion is gone. The downside is once I am dead, I can't make you more and you won't be able to make more. Your name is Annabella but I haven't called you by your name since your birth because of the risk of me being killed and you being passed on to another family."

Chapter Three

It was the day of the execution and Annabella was hidden in the dungeon. No one knew about the curse. The people of the town were warned for the third time. That third warning was ignored. When the witch was killed, the people then had to drag her away, put her in the ground, and then build a stone box around her. Annabella was sad and furious at the same time. She couldn't believe that anyone in the kingdom could have that happen. The next day, she started seeing people dying. That is when she was glad. At the end of the week, everyone was dead but Annabella couldn't leave her cell or else she would be killed by the curse.

Chapter Four

After two hundred years, Annabella still couldn't leave her cell because she was locked in. That was when a group of settlers came by and saw this elaborate castle. That was when the first one said, " Let's go in. That castle seems cozy enough for us to live there." The second one responded with,"We should stay out here because it looks like someone's home." The third one just walked right in. The second settler then kept walking while the other two went in the castle walls. The gates were rusty so the two gates fell off their hinges, even though they were locked. The peasants' town looked like a fire had occurred. No one bothered to get rid of the bodies after the people of the town realized that one person died every hour. The third settler kept stepping in the ash pile where as the first one was very careful not to. Then they reached the castle gates. The gates were well oiled, not rusted, and the gates were a dark black. The settlers didn't know what to do once they saw that the gates were locked. When the third settler pushed on the gates, the gates and part of the wall came of but not as much as the other one. When the other gate on the first wall fell off, the whole wall came down. That was when the two men saw it. There was a humongous castle with an empty moat, and a drawbridge. That was when the third one said, " It seems like the people of this town are all dead but someone was expecting us. I think that we should go back. This isn't a good idea anymore. I am turning around."
"But wait. If you turn around now, where will the rest of us live? Keep going. It is fine. If it isn't I will let you go back right away!" Said the second settler.
"I don't think so. We should go back now before these ashes make me start coughing."
"You aren't going to cough. If you are going it cough because of these ashes then how come I am not coughing, nor almost dead?"
"I don't know but can we get out of here?"
"I think that I know why you are coughing. It may be because you stepped in those ashes or you are a liar. Maybe there is something inside to help you."
"Fine. We can go in. Just hurry. I get a bad vibe about this place."
So the two settlers went inside.

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