Chapter 3

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In the middle of the night in the suburbs of New York, the sound of rapid knocking echoed throughout a quiet family home. A teenage boy, the soul occupant of the home at the time, came down from his room rubbing his tired eyes and answered the door. He opened the door to find his friend standing behind it. He looked past him and spotted the car on the side of the road.

"Dude," the boy stated, "It's after midnight what you doing here?"

"It's about my dad. Mind if I stay here?" Jack asked nervously hoping that his friend would say yes without asking too many questions.


The next morning had arrived, and Danny was sitting at his desk completely wrapped up in his own thoughts. He never heard anything about his son all night and he was starting to worry even more. What if Linda's suspicions were correct? What if something happened? What if Jack didn't want to come home? He took the car, probably took some money too. And there were probably other places that he knew he could go to where Danny or anyone else named Reagan couldn't find him. He couldn't help but wonder why his son left, but each question he had kept leading back to the fight. He had to have been the reason his son left. Maybe if his handling of the situation had been different, the outcome would've been too.

"You got anything?" Baez asked her partner but he didn't respond. He probably didn't even hear her; he just sat in his chair staring off into space.

"Danny," she said sternly catching his attention and bringing him back to reality.

"What?" he questioned, oblivious to everything happening around him. Baez sat looking at his blank expression with a questioning look. Danny had been off his game for a while and was acting like he was fine when he clearly wasn't. This wasn't like him at all. And she wanted some answers.

"What's going on with you?" she asked.

"Rough night," he simply replied and didn't say anything more. It wasn't the response she was looking for, but she would have to take it. Suddenly the phone on his desk rang and he answered it almost immediately. But, it was clear that things were only going to get worse.

"What is it?" she asked as he hung up the phone.

"Our guy struck again," he said and they took off to the next location.


Meanwhile at the 12th precinct, Jaime was finished the paper work from him and Eddie's last arrest but his mind was also preoccupied as well. He looked all around the streets last night and nothing. He couldn't find Jack anywhere and he didn't have any good news to give his big brother. He felt bad for Danny and he kept thinking about what more he could do to try and help. But he just came up empty. The only real thing that could make Danny feel any better would be if Jaime could somehow locate his nephew and bring him back home. Behind him, Eddie walked into the room and began pouring herself a cup of coffee.

"Hey," she said, "did you hear anything about your nephew?"

"No," he replied as she walked over, "couple other guys said they'd keep an eye out while on tour but....he took a car Eddie. He could be anywhere."

"Can't even imagine what his parents are going through," she voiced.

"Knowing Danny, he's probably blaming himself for this," Jaime told her and she was quick to defend.

"We both know what happened, it's not his fault," she said.

"Try telling him that," Jaime stated. He could hear it in his brother's voice; he felt extremely guilty and was blaming himself for the whole night and nothing that anyone else was telling him could change his mind. Just then, the sound of a slamming door echoed through the precinct and it was followed by the sound of Sergeant Renzulli, and he did not sound happy.

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