Chapter 5

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The next morning, Linda stood near the entrance of the room watching silently and nervously as the doctor assessed her husband. Doctor Henry Coleman held a stethoscope to Danny's chest as the detective slowly breathed in and out on command. He had already gone through Danny explaining his symptoms over the past days, reviewing his medical history, and checking his blood pressure. Now that he was done checking his breathing, he was ready to make an estimate about the cause of his health problems. When he stepped away from Danny and put his stethoscope back around his neck, Linda moved from her post to stand at her husband's bedside.

"So what's going on?" Linda asked breaking the silence in the room.

"Well we'll probably have to do some more tests," Doctor Coleman began, "but I think it's safe to say that this is all caused by stress. As simple as it may sound, it's a dangerous thing. It can actually cause heart diseases and death. And it seems to be the leading cause of your main health problems. We'll have to do some additional tests to measure the severity, but I think it's important that you take it easy Detective. Especially with your history with stress disorders, putting more stress on yourself could be hazardous to your health." Danny wasn't happy about the idea of taking time off of work, especially in the middle of a major case. He couldn't just sit back while a lunatic was on the streets and his son was missing. He couldn't just think about himself, but another sudden pang in his chest made him start to feel differently. He jerked in pain, hand on his chest and it caught the attention of the doctor and his wife. Linda rested a loving hand on Danny's shoulder and guided him to a lying down position.

"Did the pain in your chest return?" Dr. Coleman asked and Danny nodded, "judging by your elevated heart rate those are most likely heart palpitations. You don't seem to have any history of heart disease so as much as they aren't good you shouldn't be too worried. You can rest for now and I'll be back to start the rest of the tests." He left the married couple to digest the information they were just given. Linda was shaking in her boots. She knew that Danny's job took a toll on him, but she didn't think it would to this extent. She didn't think that there was a possibility that he could be killed by something other than a weapon on the job. Danny could sense her worry and rested a loving hand on top of hers. He had to put his opinions on the matter aside and face the facts. He needed to take care of himself.

"I'll be fine," he told her, "I'll take a couple days off and do nothing but rest. And maybe even the two of us can make room for a little fun." He gave her a sly side smirk but she wasn't smiling back.

"But you're in the middle of a case," she stated.

"Baez can handle fine without me," Danny replied, "If I just tell my boss what's up I'm bound to get a couple of days off. I'll be fine." She nodded in understanding and had Danny lie back. As his eyes closed and his body relaxed, Linda heard his phone buzz in his jacket pocket and she rushed over to answer it before it woke him up.

"Reagan," she answered for him.

"Linda?" Baez answered, "Is Danny there? He never showed up this morning."

"Yeah uh Danny isn't likely coming in today," she explained, "He's getting checked out at the hospital."

"Is he okay?!" Baez asked, shock and genuine concern obvious in her voice.

"Yeah he'll be fine," she responded, "he's just resting now. They're getting ready to do a few more tests but it's not that bad. But I'll tell him you called when he wakes."

"Okay," she said, "thanks for the heads up Linda."

"No problem," she replied, "bye." She hung up the phone and took a seat at his bedside watching him lovingly as he slept.

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