Chapter 7

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During the entire car ride to St. Victor's, Jack didn't say a word. Frank watched his grandson staring off into space with a look of fear frozen on his face. These past few days had been a lot more trying on the young boy than he had previously thought. And after the news that his father was now in the hospital, it probably magnified his guilt so much more. It was true that the stress of the situation had contributed to his poor health, but the teen was not the cause of his father's hospital stay. But Frank didn't even know if there was anything he could say that could convince him of that.

"Jack?" he said, checking in on the young boy. He was starting to worry about the younger man's well being as well.

"He's gonna be okay right grandpa?" Jack said, looking up at the older man with pleading eyes.

"I hope so son," Frank responded honestly.

"That's not the answer I was looking for," Jack replied looking away, his pleading glance turning to a heartbreaking look of disappointment.

"I know," Frank responded with equal disappointment, as they continued to ride down the streets, with lights and sirens blaring, speeding over to see Danny.


Meanwhile at St. Victor's, Linda paced back and forth nervously while Henry and Sean each occupied a seat facing the front desk, each one waiting rather impatiently on news on their Danny. Linda couldn't stop shaking; she never thought she could ever be able to get that image out of her head. The picture of her husband clutching his heart, stumbling to the floor, struggling to breathe. It scared her beyond belief. As for Henry, he was aware of Danny's health issues but thought for sure he would be fine. He didn't think he would be hearing Linda frantically calling for him to call an ambulance. He didn't think that he would be watching them load his semi conscious grandson into the ambulance and speed off to St. Victor's. Just then they looked to see Erin rushing over to them with Nicky close behind.

"Hey," Erin greeted as rushed over to her sister in law to give her a hug, "I just got the call, is he okay?"

"They haven't told us anything yet," Henry answered.

"Well what happened I thought he was okay?" Nicky asked.

"I don't know," Linda answered, "When I left him he was fine. Then I walked into the kitchen and he was on the ground and asking me to call for help I really don't know what happened." They were finally about to get answers as the doctor approached them.

"Family of Daniel Reagan?" she approached checking their attention, "I'm doctor Palmer."

"How is he?" Linda immediately asked stepping forward.

"It wasn't a heart attack," the doctor started, "In actuality it was something called tachyarrhythmia, or in simpler terms it was a panic attack. It seems like his blood pressure raised to dangerous levels as well as his heart rate. Normally it would've registered and alerted him to take action to calm it or reverse it but his body was slow to respond causing a heart attack like response. As simple as it sounds, it could've been worse. He's actually lucky."

"Can we see him?" Erin spoke up.

"We are setting him up in his room, but we will send someone over as soon as he's set up," Palmer told them, before offering a reassuring smile before walking away. Linda was relieved to some extent that it wasn't a heart attack, that didn't relax her completely. Her husband was in trouble and was close to getting a permanent wing at the hospital. Things had to change. For his sake. Just as she was about to turn back and take her seat, Frank walked into the waiting room with the last person she would expect to see. Walking slowly and nervously behind her father in law was her eldest son.

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