Chapter 4

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Another day had passed and it was now another day of Jaime and Eddie riding together and patrolling the streets. Except this ride seemed to be driven by silence. Mostly due to the same topic that they had been disagreeing on for the past few days; officer Randy McClain. Jaime was dead set on doing anything to assist the troubled officer. He wanted to try to prevent this guy from losing his job when he was obviously an asset. Eddie, on the other hand, saw things differently. She didn't like the idea of getting in another cop's business or trying to help someone who clearly didn't want any help. And with her partner's nephew out in the streets, she thought Jaime needed to review his priorities.

"All I'm saying is that there is more to the story and I'm just trying to figure it out," Jaime started.

"Jaime if he doesn't want people to know you can't make him tell you," Eddie disagreed.

"Something's going on and if he doesn't get help it's gonna get him fired," he protested.

"You can't help him if he doesn't want your help," she stressed, "pushing him to see it your way will only make it worse. The person that really needs your help is your brother and his son. That's what you should be focused on. Not Randy."

"We can't just do nothing Eddie," he continued with real sympathy and guilt coming through in his voice.

"I don't think we have a choice or a say in this," Eddie responded, "It's his life."

"So we just let him screw it up?" Jaime snapped back, "You can do what you want....but I'm not turning my back on another cop." Eddie had no response to that. She knew then that no matter what she said, he would still pursue this and he would never let it go. And once again, the car was filled with silence.


Meanwhile at Columbia University, Nicki walked over to the door of her dorm after repetitive knocks filled the room and opened it up to let her cousin Jack in. he walked in, arms swinging, and it made her question a few things.

"Where's Uncle Danny?" she asked closing the door.

"He's not here," Jack told her, "It's just me."

"How'd you get here?" Nicki questioned.

"Uncle Danny let you?"

"Yeah," Jack lied, "Yeah he lent me the car." He looked at his cousin and flashed her a smile; he wasn't ready to tell her the truth. He didn't know what she would say and do or how she would react. He wanted to take things step-by-step and first he needed to make sure she was okay with him staying there. If not, he would have nowhere to go except home. And he wasn't ready for that.

"So what's going on?" Nicki asked.

"Mind if I stay here for a while?" Jack asked her holding his breath.

"Why what's up?" she questioned knowing this wasn't a usual request.

"Nothing," he jumped, "just only for a few days."

"Are your parents okay with this?" He hesitated. He didn't need her questions or her wondering. He just needed a yes or a no.

"Yeah," he lied again, "it was actually....some plans feel through so I thought why not stay with a family member and friend."

"Okay if it's just for a few days," Nicki consented and Jack was soon filled with relief.


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