Potential rival

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Marinette didn't know why Chat Blanc wasn't fond of Adrien.

She first thought it was the blond thing since he showed a similar animosity towards Chloe, though milder in a sense that her cat was dangerously growling at the mayor's daughter whenever he sees her. But when she found out that Rose could pet him just fine, she realized that it wasn't the case.

She also realized that Chat Blanc didn't like Adrien's face either.

There was a time wherein one of the model's posters fell off due to loose tacks, the feline immediately shredded it mercilessly with his sharp claws - and probably peed on it if she arrived late.

Not to mention his persistent scratches on the roll-up schedule, he would bump her desk's foot with an aim to crash Adrien's framed picture on the floor. So far he only broke two.

"Well, I guess we know how to potty train Chat Blanc." Tikki taunted. "By making an Adrien-themed litter box!"

Her charger looked at her like she just told her to kill herself.

Later on that day, Marinette realized that using a Chat Noir-themed litter box was effective as well.

(When she told her partner about it, he only gave two thumbs-up as a seal of approval. Weird Kitty.)

Which led her back to the initial assumption that Chat Blanc didn't like blonds.

"Well, Chat Noir is a cat. And cats hate to share affections."

"But Chat Noir is a human in a cat suit." the pig-tailed girl reasoned. "And Adrien is a human in perfection."

"Maybe Chat Blanc sensed them as his potential rival?"

She snorted indignantly. "Oh puh-lease. For Adrien, yes. But Chat Noir?"

The red kwami only pursed a grin.





"Hey, LB?"

"Hmm?" the spotted heroine glanced at her partner after she unclasped her yo-yo. "What is it, Chaton?"

"Is it true that pets can sense their Master's emotion? Like, if their Master didn't like something or someone perhaps, they would react indifferently, right?"

"I believe so, yes. I mean, my pet hates cucumber as much as I hate them on my salad."

"I see." Chat Noir sighed with deflated faux ears.

"Are you alright, Kitty?" she asked. "You're not so energetic tonight."

Her partner shook his head, and even though he flashed her a smile, his emerald eyes weren't.

"I'm fine, My Lady," he answered, unable to hide his crestfallen expression. "It's just...it's something related to my civilian life. Nothing to worry about."

As much as Ladybug hate not knowing it, but they have rules to uphold. "If you say so, Kitty."

"Why don't we split our way - you on the right while I'll handle the left?"

"Sounds good to me."

Before she could cast her yo-yo and jump to the next building, she swore she heard him muttered 'She still hates me.'

Their patrol ended without him telling her what was it all about.



Chat Blanc - a Miraculous Ladybug fanficWhere stories live. Discover now