The Birthday Party Part 1 :3

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I acted drunk so ____ would go to bed. My plan is to wait until it was real late and go ahead and start decorating the place for ____'s birthday party!! How exciting!! The theme will be a surprise because of what ciel's gift is!!!

~time skip brought to you by Bubba226 thank you for reading!!(:~

It was 6 a.m. And ciel walked into my room with sebastian behind him. He was in his casual clothes and his hair was still messy.

He walked over to the bed and sat down and looked at my drawing bored.

"Why do we have to be awake so early?" He wispered looking up at me.

"Because of ___'s special birthday! Now, lets plan!" I said whispering back.

"We'll we need streamers and ribbons. We need a guest list and I can prepare the food" sebastian wispered walking over to the side of the bed where I sit.

"Okay! I can go out and buy everything we need! And ciel you need to keep ____ in her room as long as possible!!" I said looking at him. Locking eyes with his.

"I can do that!" He whispered holding a big smile on his face.

"Okay it's settled then! Ill get the decorations and decorate! Sebastian will cook and ciel will stall ___! I will leave about noon because that's when she wakes up? Sound okay with everyone?" They both nodded in approval.

"Now lets all go back to sleep!" I said preparing for bed once again.

They both again nodded and went to bed.


I woke up to ciel singing to me. He wasn't very good but it was very soothing. He was humming my favorite song:

~I carry it in my heart

For you are my fate me sweet

You are

For beautiful you are my world

I carry your heart and it's

You are whatever

A moon has always ment and

You are whatever the sun will always sing

Is you~

He had his chin on top of my head and his eyes were closed. He was so handsome when he was sleeping.

I moved my head up to look at him and he woke up. He looked down at me and smiled.

"Happy Birthday Princess" he said. He kiss my lips very softly. It didn't even feel like we kissed. I smiled and kissed him back.

I sat up and rubbed my eyes and stretched. I got up and changed into a black sweater and a pair if sweatpants. Then I put my hair up in a messy bun and went and brushed my teeth. Then I walked back into me and ciels room and walked over to where ciel was sitting.

He grabbed my hips and moved me onto his lap. Then he caressed my cheek and smiled at me.

"So what's my birthday present?" I asked seductively.

He smirked.

"You will find out soon!" He said pulling me into a kiss.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him. He smiled into the kiss which made me smirk. I straddled into his lap and started kissing him harder.


I went to the store that was downtown. It was a small boutique. Wasn't much, kind of run down but still managed to have decent items for party's. I walked into the store and was greeted by the old women that worked there.

"Hello Lady Elizabeth! Long time no see! How have you been!" She said behind the counter.

"Hello Melody! I've been great! I'm just planning a party for ___!" I said walking over to the party section.

"We'll I hope you find what your looking for!" She said then she walked into the back.

I found some white ribbon that would go well for the party.

(I'm not giving away the party details :3)


I was in my back with shirt on and Ciel on top of me. We were making out heavily, then he stopped and rest his forehead in mine and stared into my eyes while smiling.

"Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?" He asked while smiling.

I yawned and smiled.

It was only 2 and making out was tiring.

He laid I'm his back and pulled me I'm too of him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and my head was in the crook of his neck. We both took a short nap after that.

~Time skip brought to you by Sebastian_Michaelis thanks for reading!!!! :3~


I woke up and ciel was no where to be found. But there was a note and a beautiful dress sitting at the edge of the bed.

" ____,

Please put this dress on and please meet me downstairs




I had a big smile on my face and I got up. I put the dress on and it fit perfectly. It was a white gotten dress that went just an inch above my knees. It had a heart shape top and it was strap less and has a beautiful satin belt that wrapped around the waist part.

On the floor were a pair of white wedges and a white rose. After I got ready I went down stairs and met ciel. He was where a all white suit and a white eyepatch to match.

"Hello Princess!" He said grabbing my hand.

He led me into the ballroom.

It was beautiful there was.......



Hehehehehe cliff hanger!!!!!!!(: VOTE AND COMMENT AND I WILL UPDATE!!! :)

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