Chapter 1

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         Her mother had taken everything from her. She had taken away every single piece of her being until she didn't even have a soul. Poor little Alex was no longer human, but simply a ghost in human flesh. She walked without purpose. She no longer felt. She didn't feel love, hate, or pain, well not any more. Her father had left long ago. The man she thought she could trust to save her, had left. He only came back when he felt like it, which wasn't very often.

Tomorrow was the first day of senior year and Alex was surprised she had made it this far. She wondered why she was still here, why she hadn't given up long ago. The answer was the sliver of hope she still held on to, that things could get better. She should know better by now, but still she has hope.

She wakes up the next morning dreading the moment she will have to walk into yet another hell, as if she didn't suffer enough at "home", if you could even call it that.

She dresses in jeans and a hoodie, the same jeans and hoodie she'll likely wear the whole year. She couldn't bother with appearance, who would even notice? Her "friends"failed to even notice the fake smile she'd been wearing since 6th grade. The smile that's fading with every passing second.

Her worn smile hurt and felt odd on her face, but still she kept it plastered there as a wordless plea for some one or something to save her.

She had successfully drifted through the first half of the day and now sat at her lunch table full of people. Why did she feel so alone?

Picking at her food but to drained to actually eat, she looked up and glanced around the cafeteria. That is when she felt her heart beat for the first time in 7 years.

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