Chapter 5

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  As they sped down the streets in their small town Alex was in bliss. This was the only time she could forget. It was only with him that she could pretend that she was happy. Or maybe she was happy. Alex couldn’t tell, this was all so new to her. She hadn’t noticed the bike stopped, it wasn’t until Tristen coughed that she realized she was still hugging him.

“Sorry…” she swiftly got off the bike and began to look around. She was in awe at the big house in front of her. This had to be a mansion!

“So you wanna come in?” Tristen stood holding the door open and smiling at her reaction.

Alex walked in and again was surprised that the house looked bigger on the inside. Tristen closed the door and took his jacket off.

“You can leave your bag there. My parents are at work, but they should be home soon. Follow me.” Tristen lead Alex upstairs to his room.

She stood in the doorway contemplating whether or not Tristen’s intentions were what he said and not something else.

“Don’t be scared...Trust me.” The look he gave Alex was enough for her to follow him wherever.

She stepped in the room and took a seat in his computer chair. He went to his book shelf and pulled out a leather bind book and turned to face her.

“This is something I’ve never shared with anyone, but seeing as I invaded your privacy, you can invade mine. Here.” He held the journal out for her to take. Astonished at his forwardness Alex stared at it dumbfounded.

“I can’t. It’s your…story, your thoughts. You’re ok with me just invading that?” Alex couldn’t believe how comfortable he was with just handing it over.

“I want you to trust me, and so I instill my trust into you. Even trade? Trust for trust.”

Alex grabbed the journal from him with shaky hands. “I don’t think I’m ready though…to give you my sketchbook…I don’t think I am capable of trusting.” Or emotions in general she thought, but then what was this feeling she felt with him.

“Just read my journal. If you still can’t trust me, I’ll just have to work harder. I want to earn the right to look at your amazing artwork.” He smiled again. It was so easy for him. To just smile and feel things. She wanted that. Alex tries to remember when she was younger before her father left, when she was still human and not some robot.

“Alright Tristen, I’ll try.” She looked down at the journal and for once, she couldn’t wait to get home.

“Ok, enough with the heavy. You hungry? I’m starved.” Tristen walked over to Alex and offered her his hand. She took it and walked with him downstairs to the kitchen.

“Hey mom. What do we have to eat?” Tristen casually greeted one of the most beautiful women Alex has ever seen. Her black hair cascaded in soft waves down her back, her blue eyes gave away Tristen was her son, and she wore a lovely sun dress that hugged her figure perfectly.

“Tristen don’t be rude, who is this?” She turned and gave Alex a warm smile. Her eyes where so loving and welcoming. They held no judgment.

 “Oh sorry this is Alex. Alex this is the woman who birthed me.” He turned to his mother with a joking smile and she gently pushed him before turning back to Alex.

“Please call me Miranda.” She went in and hugged Alex. Alex was thrown by the gesture. When was the last time she was shown affection?

Alex awkwardly hugged back and then Miranda pulled back. “Well we have some of everything, I just went grocery shopping the other day. You kids eat up I’ll be in the study if you need me.” Giving them one last gentle smile, the angelic woman left the room.

“Wow she’s…” Alex left the sentence hanging looking for the right word.

“Annoying.” Tristen said opening the refrigerator to scavenge for food.

“Loving.” Alex was sure Tristen hadn’t heard, but when she looked up the intense look he was giving her told her he had.

“Alex… you ok?” Tristen stood hanging on to the open refrigerator door. Alex enjoyed how he left his current task forgotten only to get her reassurance.  

“I’m fine.”

“When you’re ready, I’m here.” Tristen gave her a look that was so sincere Alex could feel her blood buzzing in her veins. He did things to Alex, unexplainable things. She didn’t understand, but she was determined to try.

“Thanks Tristen, you’re the first.” She looked down slightly blushed. Tristen smiled to himself, he wanted to be there for her.

Alex looked down at her watch.

“Shit,” She looked at Tristen apologetically, “I’m sorry. I have to go.” She started to rush to the door. Tristen quickly followed.

“Why do you always follow when I run?” Alex asked as she grabbed her backpack and placed the journal inside.

“Because you’re worth the chase.” Tristen replied without hesitation. He smiled when she glanced over and then opened the door for Alex.

“I’m assuming you want to take the motorcycle again?” Tristen halved joked starting toward the bike. And then, he saw it, the faintest ghost of a smile on Alex’s face as she glanced down.

“That was beautiful.” He said to her and without a response he climbed on the motorcycle and waited for her. He felt a tremendous feeling in his chest as she climbed on. 

He wanted to know her. He wanted her to feel what he felt when he was with her. Did she feel anything when they were together? He wondered all the time. Putting himself out there was a huge risk, and he didn’t know why he did it. He somehow knew he could trust her despite not knowing her. He wanted to desperately. He wanted to know her story and why she held sadness behind her eyes even though she was always seen smiling.

He dropped her off and gave her one last smile before she entered her house.  

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